Committee members have set roles and jobs to complete. The roles of people on your committee or management team could be:. Job descriptions sometimes known as position or role descriptions should be simple and straightforward. Tailor them to meet your club's needs and make sure they are encouraging — not daunting.
The more details, the better chance there is of recruiting someone suitable. Think about whether you'd want to apply. Are the expectations realistic? Put the date on it — so you can identify different versions.
Keep it simple and preferably on one page, accompanied by basic information about your club. Committees can be a lot of fun and are a great way of ensuring everyone is involved and able to make a contribution to your club. Don't forget that committee meetings can also be good social events! Remember to allow some social time, separate from the main meeting agenda. The last element of committee effectiveness is well run meetings.
In a sense, if a committee reflects the first five indicators of effectiveness -- a clear description of its work, a chair that knows how to lead, a solid match between the interests, skills and experience of individual members on the one hand, and the needs and requirements of the committee on the other, a good mix of members, and direct accountability to the board --we will have the makings of excellent committee meetings. It will still be important to provide for meeting space that matches the needs of the group, a written meeting agenda and any necessary information mailed out to members in advance of the meeting.
At the end of each committee meeting, the chair can ask for written or oral comments about the session. In some organizations, this is a feature of every meeting and is referred to as the "check out. Immediate feedback from members can be solicited on how well the meeting achieved its purposes, if members stayed on task, and if there is anything that can be done to improve effectiveness of future committee meetings.
An annual committee calendar of major decisions and meetings is suggested. The committee calendar should also be tied into the overall annual board calendar so that efforts are unified and coordinated for maximum impact. Scheduling regular meetings of the committee in advance will also help busy people plan far enough in advance to assure good attendance. The chair should also seek out unproductive committee members to find out what is getting in a way of performance and then devising strategies to overcome those barriers.
Were the issues discussed substantive? Quick Reference. Related Principles. Principle 1 - Roles and responsibilities. Code of Conduct. Members ask the right questions and carefully plan the work they need to accomplish. Committees do their best work when all members participate in deliberation and discussion. Each committee should record their activities in the minutes of the meeting, and prepare a timely report for the board.
A prime example of an organization that took a fresh approach to committee work is the University of Charleston in West Virginia. President Edwin H. Then, they formed the following new committees:. To further enhance committee work, the Charleston board developed a set of questions for committees to evaluate their work as they progress. While this is a nontraditional approach to committee work, the university structured it according to their true needs and how addressing those needs will benefit the board.