If I recall correctly the main dungeon has 35 floors. Of course, you may play an infinite number of floors even before finishing the main story, on account of treasure maps and the like. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Torchlight - How many levels are there before beating the story? Ask Question. Estherian Ruins - Floor A whole lot of running. Shrines of mana are very lovely, instead of just filling up your mana once they will continuously fill it up for a short time. Estherian Ruins Boss Room: Run to the boss and take him out, ignoring his loot again. On to the next area. Tu'tara Caverns - Floor Very annoying sometimes, there isn't always a whole lot of rhyme or reason to the layout of this, and there's a ton of dead ends.
Combined with the very narrow bridges sometimes forcing me to kill, this ends up being one of the worst areas. Tu'tara Caverns - Floor I pick up a level here and get more points into Arrow Rain and my mana regen spell, but not Hamstring. Hamstring only increases in damage and mana cost, not movespeed, so it isn't worth it.
Tu'tara Caverns - Floor I find a dungeon vendor here with a slotted necklace that I grab and throw a cold ember into, preparing for the final boss again. Molten Prison - Floor This area isn't too bad, it can't be hard to tell what is and isn't a path, but it is easier to tell what way will be a dead end. I pick up elemental protection and replace one of my zombie spells, because I figure it would help more. Molten Prison - Floor I get a socket enchant on my shield, and throw more cold resistance onto the pile.
I am very cautious about that final boss. Prison Stronghold - I run straight to Krag and try to take him out regardless of his many healers and manage to do it with my huge DPS, and then I bail to the portal.
Lost Fortress - Boss floor: Medea makes copies and then she dies. I see a pretty orange rifle and proceed to cry when I can't use it. Black Palace - Floor Here is where things start to actually hurt. I have to be more careful about running willy nilly into groups of enemies. I see a shrine of enchantment that I really wanted to use but there were enemies blocking it off. Black Palace - Floor Boss! Oh boy! Your pet will use it fairly often. Pets are pretty much worthless in combat but make convenient distractions.
The heal all spell is almost identical to the heal self spell except for a trivial increase in mana cost. You can use a gem in a socket for this but it takes a loooong time to get even a decent gem and it will be nowhere near as much health as an enchantment.
Just sell them. If you get an item with sockets, buy whatever the gem seller has to fill them. You can get much better results from the enchanter just remember to quit to dash if you get hosed. I think they just consider DPS and armor value. Be careful of that when replacing things. Also, you will never complete an equipment set, so don't even bother trying. They summon little fast-moving little skeleton guys and cast powerful spells. One at a time they are not that bad but they can be deadly in groups.
Their attacks make the screen really busy so it's hard to tell when you are getting mobbed. If you don't do this, you can get unexpectedly mobbed and it's frustrating to have to run back to where you died.
The game is crazy easy on medium difficulty except for when you get mobbed by tons of baddies and when this happens, you can die surprisingly quickly. When things get hairy, pop off a push-back spell or haste to a safe spot to heal up. Also, don't be afraid to use health potions when you need them since there a lot of them throughout the game.
Before going down the staircase at the end of a level, use a town portal to return to town and complete the quests. When you get new ones, they will be for the next level which you are about to start. Happy grinding! As Bellatrixz said, use the level ?? Scroll, but here's the thing I learned after running about 5 or 6 of them. When you finish the downstairs floor, DO NOT exit the scroll through the portal, just go back upstairs and then back down stairs and the enemies reset!
I would just do the bottom floor over and over with anywhere from 1 to 4 champion monsters. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status Up to how many floors does the shadow vault have? Answered Is the game only offered via download? Answered Can you change pets at the middle of the game?
Answered What it the absolute most powerfull wepon in the game? Answered My character is stuck in some debris and can't get out. Do I have to start my game over?