Who is an incontinent person

A diet with adequate fibre bran, fruit and vegetables will help to keep the bowels regular. Local health and social services may offer a variety of forms of help. These may include the district nurse, visitor, health visitor, occupational therapist and social worker, day centres, day hospitals and relief holiday admissions to hospital or homes.

Financial help such as attendance allowance may be available if a person needs regular help with managing toileting — ask your social services for details. Specialist hospital services may be based in care of the elderly or psychogeriatric departments. Some voluntary organisations may also give help locally, e. Age Concern. Incontinence products should be available free of charge via district nursing services. If you, any member of your family or person you care for are experiencing any of the problems mentioned in this article, you may wish to seek advice from your GP or local continence clinic.

To find your nearest continence clinic you may wish to use our Find a Healthcare Professional search tool. Confused Incontinent Person at Home. Practical Help The following are some practical suggestions that may help improve or avoid incontinence for some people. Keep conversation relevant Confused people benefit from frequent reminders of reality. Use the senses to aid memory Often memory is better for distant than for recent events.

Old records or photo-graphs may help jog the memory Repeat new information If a confused person is to remember new information, it will have to be repeated, in the same form, over and over again. The person may simply forget to go to the lavatory They may either not notice that the bladder is full, or not realise that something needs to be done about it. Forgetfulness on the way to the toilet Someone who starts off to go to the lavatory may forget where they were going on the way.

Make it comfortable Confused people often will not tolerate discomfort very well. Keep up a reasonable fluid intake This is important. Some people avoid going out or need to plan their activities around a toilet. Incontinence is the inability to control your bladder or bowel, so you accidentally lose urine from the bladder urinary incontinence or faeces from the bowel bowel incontinence.

The symptoms differ from person to person. Some people have the occasional leak, while others can completely lose control of their bladder or bowels. If you have a bladder or bowel problem, talking to a health professional is the first step you can take to help yourself.

A doctor can assess your symptoms, identify the cause, and discuss what treatment or exercises may help cure or tackle your problems. Some tests may help your doctor find the cause of your incontinence or a temporary problem, such as a urine infection, that can be treated quickly.

Managing a weak bladder or bowel is an individual thing and sometimes more than one treatment is needed. Treatments include:. The right incontinence products will also help you manage the problem and carry on with normal life. Products include:.

You can buy most of these in pharmacies and supermarkets, but seek professional advice before using them permanently. Contact your local NHS continence service or clinic for a location in your area and check if you need to be referred by your doctor.

A specialist nurse may need to assess if you are eligible and will then arrange your supply of products. You could take some spare pads and pants with you. You may find a toilet card helpful.

Showing this card can help you avoid the queue for a public toilet. Do you rush to use the toilet? Are you frequently nervous because you think you might lose control of your bladder or bowel?

Do you wake up twice or more during the night to go to the toilet? Do you sometimes leak before you get to the toilet? Do you sometimes leak when you lift something heavy, sneeze, cough or laugh? Do you sometimes leak when you exercise or play sport? Do you sometimes leak when you change from a seated or lying position to a standing position? Do you strain to empty your bowel?

Do you sometimes soil your underwear? Do you plan your daily routine around where the nearest toilet is? About continence. Types of incontinence Knowing what type of incontinence you have is an important step to finding the right treatment.

About the bladder Learn about how the bladder works, the signs of a healthy bladder, and problems that can occur. About the bowel Learn about how the bowel works, the signs of a healthy bowel, and problems that can occur.

Caring for someone Caring for someone with incontinence can be a challenge, but there's advice and support available. This fact sheet was prepared by Family Caregiver Alliance. All rights reserved. Talk to the physician to see if medication, enlarged prostate or a urinary tract infection might be causing the problem, especially if there is a sudden onset of incontinence.

Investigate various incontinence supplies. There are many kinds of pads and unde. Incontinence for dementia. Most people who live with incontinence do not tell anyone about it, often not even their doctor s and especially not their friends.

Family members might be the ones to bring up the subject, especially if the house is beginning to smell or furniture is soi. Living with Incontinence: Social and Emotional Challenges.

Skip to main content Skip to sidebar options. Quick Read. Read in: English. Share on:. Caring for Someone with Incontinence: Emotional and Social Issues By Family Caregiver Alliance When asked, many family and partner caregivers say that heavy incontinence would tip their decision towards moving a loved one to a nursing home. Resistance What should you do when your loved one is resistant to using pads or protective underwear?

Embarrassment You might feel a sense of embarrassment not only for yourself but also for the care receiver. Reactions Caregivers are often not at their best when dealing with incontinence. Emotions You might find yourself getting angry or resentful for having to deal with this situation. Physical Limitations Mismatched body types, physically disability, or age or disease-related physical weakness may make providing incontinence care for your loved one difficult.

Planning Going out with someone who is incontinent takes some advanced planning. You are not alone. Video 5 minutes 5.


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