Who invented thinkquest

Add to Cart. Instant access upon order completion. Free Content. More Information. Tomei, IGI Global, , pp. King, K. Tomei Eds. IGI Global. King, Kathleen P.

Time also is devoted to writing appropriate emails to those experts students hope will help provide expertise. As a coach, I send out my own letter at the bottom of the students' e-mails with my e-mail for the professionals to confirm our ThinkQuest participation. The coach must also set deadlines for certain parts of the project so as to avoid a last minute rush. Actually, despite the fact that we seem to meet those deadlines, there is always a rush at the end editing, uploading, revisions, etc.

Most important: Establish a relationship with one of the parents of a team member with the understanding that you can call them to keep after team members to stay on task at home. The parents have to be on top of the situation and know what is due. They often add suggestions and ideas, along with contacts so that we can make those suggestions "happen".

Another " AHA! Getting software to work the way we intend has many moments of enlightenment and often the students are the most successful in this area. An "AHA! Experience and extra work after errors were realized led to that " AHA! Students preferred their own artwork which avoided copyright issues and found ways to teach each other shortcuts, that I could never keep up with the level of creativity.

The challenge was to avoid becoming overwhelmed and to narrow the choice of material to a manageable level. Graphics, and aspects of sites that were very personal brought out the most creative behavior.

Information specifically a topic that has personal involvement often comes across best when the student has had a personal experience that is related to the topic. That made the choice of copyrights for a web site one that kids could understand very important.

Another aspect was the fact that one of the site designers, Madeline, had dealt with copyright issues with a previous year's ThinkQuest Junior entry.

Whenever the "Yo, It's Time for Braces" team Madeline's team from came across graphics or photos needed to develop the site, copyright issues arose.

It was easier to generate original graphics than to risk copyright infringement. ES:" Similarly any pertinent observations about collaboration? It is also helpful to have the parents of the team members decide whose house will be the "base of operation" with a parent to supervise, if possible. Dividing up the different parts of the site also helps i. A presentation led by Dr. Amela Sadagic and five students participating in the "Imagining the Future" project from Moanalua High School, Hawaii, particularly emphasized that "technology is always a tool, never a goal.

He asked students what was "missing" in movies, television, music, and video games. They responded that "you don't see kids building positive things on computers," "The omnipresence of the Internet is not reflected in popular music," and, "Programmers never get chicks.

The current, common perception of education today from a student's perspective is that school is boring. It is possible that students feel school is not challenging or interactive enough. The students lose interest because the excitement is not there to motivate them to learn. This application of learning by adapting the individual's abilities and goals will activate their maximum potential for success. Emerging Technologies Imagine for a moment that you're a tourist in a far-away foreign land.

You're lost in a remote village while looking for mountain gorillas, but you do not speak the local tongue. What will you do? There is no GPS, no satellite phones, no advanced translator with you. And you certainly don't want to do what Tom Hanks did with a soccer ball in the movie Castaway. Enter Augmented Reality AR. AR is basically what it says: an expansion of reality to make it better than what it already is. Let's consider our case of being lost in that remote village. Now, you probably have your glasses with you.

Suddenly, you're connected to the global library of knowledge no matter where you are. It's like , when the Web was going to be invented.


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