Synthesis is by far the most moral of the options as you not only save the lives of that , but you also end their suffering in a much more positive way by actually ending their suffering, rather than their lives.
Destroying it gives you the human Reaper heart, which is EMS. Have a higher War Assets then you should be able to get everybody out, shoot for around if you have EC. But you can save almost everyone. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Research Paper. Ben Davis June 1, Can Garrus catch the plague? How do you get the Archangel in Mass Effect 2?
Can Garrus die on Omega? How do I recruit Garrus? What happens if you dont recruit Wrex? How do I recruit Wrex? Where is Garrus? How old is Tali Zorah? How old is Garrus? Does Garrus die? What happens if Garrus dies in me2? Do Garrus and Tali get together? What happens if Tali died in me2? The bad side of the fact that they can move around is that usually when they've moved, you don't get the normal conversation wheel.
So if you wanted to talk to them like that you'd have to wait until they show up back in their spot. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Why did Garrus disappear from my ship? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 8 months ago. Active 6 years ago. Viewed 10k times. But seriously, is this a glitch or did I do something in-game to make him get fed up and leave?
Improve this question. Tharius Snowflake Snowflake 2 2 gold badges 2 2 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. Try playing another combat mission where you have to choose your party. If he doesn't show up in the squad selection screen then you might have a problem. Are you at the Citadel? Sometimes characters show up on the Citadel instead of on the ship while you're docked — Ben Brocka. Found him! This page of IGN's Mass Effect wiki guide is all about the Citadel: Garrus Mission, including how to find all items and making the right Morality choices for your playthrough.
The fastest way to start this Mission is via Rapid Transit: unlike all other locations on the Citadel, Chora's Den is automatically added to your Rapid Transit destinations.
Find the nearest one and use it to zip on over. If you prefer to get there on foot, you'll need to get to the Lower Wards and use the back door of the Markets. But as you head into the area preceding Chora's Den, you'll have to be prepared to fight. Wield your weapons against the two Assassins that try to take you and your team out.
Then come from the far end of a chasm separating two pathways. The pathways connect via vertical pathways on each side of the horizontal paths you and your enemies are initially on. You can shoot them from across the chasm, taking your time as you seek cover. This is a meticulous -- but safe way -- to eliminate the threat. You can also head rightward and the pathway to fight them in closer quarters. Make sure they're felled before proceeding, following them via the red markers on your radar if necessary, then head into the bar.
The man you're looking for, Harkin, is the only person in the bar that will engage you in any drawn-out conversation. In fact, the conversation with him can be very drawn out, but while Harkin is an ass particularly to a Female Shepard , you can be mean to him here without gaining any Renegade points.