Where is dromund kaas world boss

My guess is either that a , they wanted crafters to have more power like in 1. As a crafter i KNOW i had the schematic, it has been removed from my crafting page. I cannot find it anywhere. So I assume it must be sold somewhere. If you were level 60, prior to 4. That one drops you off halfway into the high security lockdown. You can travel back to Odessen for free using Travel to Contact on any of the Alliance leaders, and a few of the recruits.

You can travel to each planet just by picking up the Heroics from that planet. And all of it, without spending a single credit to get there. Oh well, live and learn. I did the same, I bought the Priority Transport as soon as the Storyline cinematic finished on Odessen on my main, and only then realised it. If it was the ISP it would lose connection, not shut down the whole game. I was lucky. When I was doing the weeklies on Taris, somebody was setting up a group. Then I just traveled along the north border of Hoth for Jaggernth creatures without competition—I think that everyone must have been hinting world bosses.

Are the trophies from the WB BoP. This is a great guide. Would you be able to update this with the minimum number of geared team members required to take each down? That would make clearing through Qyzen much easier! Why Shellback Nerf is missing? Especially when the quest changed and nowhere on internet you can find how to find the recon droid to give the quest? We tested it out yesterday with no one equipped with any. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Designate a meeting point for your group before you start the encounter. Snowblind does have an enrage timer so bring a full group. Gargath has one ability that occurs frequently and causes a lot of damage, the ability is an earthquake that remains on the ground. The earthquake is followed by a red marker that appears on the ground. It is important for the raid to not stand in the earthquake and for the MT to kite the boss out of the earthquakes.

A dedicated healer is required on the MT. Strategy: Located , in the middle of the lake, Primal Destroyer is a level 50 world boss has a 2 hour respawn timer and is know to drop the schematic for crafting the magenta colored crystal. Two tanks are needed for the encounter. The OT will pick up all three adds and tank them away from the Primal Destroyer.

One add will regenerate health, the second will reduce the healing of the raid, and the third will produce AoE damage. This fight is a DPS race so focus on the boss first, then kill the adds later. Have a dedicated healer to the OT and one for the MT. Grandfather: Strat: has a frontal cleave so tank needs to face away from raid. April 10, at am. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website. Featured Cosplay Hestia Cosplay and More.

Directions: The worldboss Dreadtooth is recommended for characters level 50 and up. On Republic side run north from the camp, and Imperial side run south, the map is quite small. Dreadtooth walks in an oval path near the center of the map around some broken walls.

Drouk Hunter Debuff: The other part of this protection mechanic is the Drouk Hunter buff that your whole team should get if they are close enough when the fight starts. Any player who does NOT get this special animal-skill buff will be destroyed. So if you do die, do not return to medcenter! Dread Debuff : Dreadtooth senses the weakness of your resolve and will destroy you if you remain close. You cannot become a Drouk Hunter while under the effects of Dread.

Most groups wait till he wanders near the paved area with the wall. While Dreadtooth with five or more stacks in his Frenzied or Nightmarish form has many difficult mechanics to deal with, Dreadtooth in his weaker forms is pretty easy. If you want you can have one ranged DPS player stand way in the back of the group, which will help keep some of the rocks from hitting your entire group. You will want a decently large group, and a few more healers than normal.

Healers, and players, will want to watch out for the Ground Spike debuff called Bleeding that looks like a man being shot by a red laser on a blue background, as it can and should be cleansed as often as possible. When you defeat him, your group will get 1 Dreadful Essence item. This item is what makes him stronger — so your group can gather more of these and apply them to Dreadtooth if you want to try taking him on in more difficult modes!

Directions: The Lance Squadron worldboss is recommended for characters level 60 and up who are not afraid of their computer crashing. Reaching the Lance Squadron Command Unit is fairly easy, quick travel or take the speeder to the Alcove camp on either faction in the middle of the map, then run East to the previous map, and the boss is on a ledge across a bridge. Not only does this world boss have a lot going on, but it also has an incredible amount of lag and the need to get out of circles moving around on the ground, which can make things really difficult especially because you need a larger group to fight it compared to some of the early world bosses, as it has ten million health total.

Knockback — The boss has quite a nasty knockback and is standing on the edge of a cliff. Players should do their best to always have their backs to a wall and be away from the cliff edge — ranged players usually put their backs to the shorter rock wall with a forest behind it.

This will cause the boss to stomp over to the pillar to look for them, and then they can run out again and put their back to the pillar and fight the boss right there.

This also means the melee players standing behind the boss are farther away from the edge when the knockback or throws happen. Yellow Circles — As soon as the fight starts, yellow circles will start moving around the floor randomly. If a player gets caught in one, it will stop moving, turn red, then explode. Players should be trying to avoid these, or trying to purposefully step on ones that are farther away from the group and stepping out of them so they stay still for a few seconds.

Melted Armor Debuff stacks up to The Poisoned debuff can and should be removed by players with a cleanse and by healers, the debuff looks like a green man holding his hand to his neck on a poisonous green background. Poisoned Debuff cleanse. One way to combat these problems is to not accept death as the final outcome for all players in your group. One way to speed up this process is once everyone is ready to start the fight in front of the boss, send out a summon but tell everyone NOT to press accept or reject.

It will be up to the individual group to decide what they want to do. Personally, due to the lag from this boss, and its incredible difficulty level, I found it was a lot of fun and huge challenge to do this fight even with these extra workarounds!

Our successful hodge podge run took over thirteen minutes, he was enraged at the end, and only seven of our seventeen teammates were still alive when he fell! Mechanics: Info. The Ancient Threat is one of the most involved bosses in the game — before you can summon it, you must go on a treasure hunt across the galaxy, gathering knowledge and buffs. Directions: The Worldbreaker Monolith worldboss is recommended for characters level 60 and over after they have fully completed Ziost or can be summoned.

Mechanics: Not to be confused with the Colossal Monloith, a very difficult single-boss Operation fight, the Worldbreaker Monolith is a large world boss on Ziost. Tank — First off, make sure the tank turns the boss away from the group, and the group stands behind the boss, as he has a giant frontal attack. Second, the tank will have small purple circles placed under where they are standing, and they should take a few steps to the left or right to get out of them.

Once all three are in stasis, then you can go back to beating on the boss. Stasis looks like a purple swirly. Drain Lifeforce cleanse. On Republic side quicktravel or take a taxi to the Catacombs, then run east along the side of the mountain and up the steep steps. Imperial side quicktravel or take a taxi to the canyons. Directions: The worldboss R8-X8 is recommended for characters level 70 and up.

Imperial side quicktravel to the Dead Forest or take the speeder to the Canyons Camp Speeder and run north. Mechanics: For R8-X8, the droid, make sure you are standing behind the boss to take less damage. If you get a red circle around your fee, run away, and do not drop the red circle on the fuel cells. If you notice your health is going down and you are not standing in front of the boss it means you are standing in invisible fire and you need to move!

He also seems to take more damage. To get to him easily, exit the Spike and head North West. The world bosses are not particularly difficult and players often put impromptu groups together to fight them in general chat. It's also the best place to look to see what new videos or guides I have created! The best way to reach me is by messaging me on Twitter.

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