When do infants learn to roll over

Rolling over takes practice and coordination, and young newborns lack the head control and other motor skills needed to manage it. Every individual is different, and babies naturally develop at different rates. But some research suggests that culture or geographic location may influence how babies roll over. For example, an older study , from , found that babies in Hong Kong or China roll from back to stomach first — the opposite direction as babies in the United States, who usually roll from stomach to back first.

A wide range of rolling behaviors is typical, and most babies roll over for the first time between 2 and 4 months of age. However, when babies roll very early or seem to have other uncontrolled movements, it may be a sign of cerebral palsy. Early rolling can signal characteristic differences in reflexes. Some other warning signs to look for over time include :. Before a baby can roll over, they need to develop head control, shoulder strength, and the understanding that they can move independently.

To help a baby master these skills and reach other developmental milestones, try:. Below are some other motor milestones and when a baby might reach them:. Doing so can help a parent or caregiver respond more effectively and anticipate the next big developmental milestone. Usually, babies learn to sit up on their own around months of age.

Though you're probably looking forward to your baby crawling , she must accomplish another milestone first: rolling over. As if that's not enough reason for your little one to dig this new skill, rolling over will lead to sitting up independently, and eventually to crawling and walking.

Keep reading to learn more about when babies first to roll over, and how to keep your little gymnast safe. Rolling his little round body over is a huge physical feat for your baby. It requires good head control and strength in the neck and arm muscles, Dr. McAllister says. These pint-size push-ups help develop the muscles in the neck, shoulder, trunk, and arms, says Sheryl Pitner, M. As your baby gets stronger, he'll kick his legs, flail his arms as though he's swimming, and start rolling side to side and then all the way over.

Usually babies learn to roll from belly to back first, and pick up rolling from back to front about a month later, since it requires more coordination and muscular strength.

The timing of that first roll may be a surprise, so make sure you keep a hand on your baby anytime she's on the changing table or another elevated surface. Your baby will likely be alarmed the first few times he rolls over, and there will probably be some tears.

Johnson says that she'd hope to see a four-month-old being "somewhat motivated" to roll, although Millon says that because there is a range of development among children, he usually waits until the six-month visit to bring up options like early intervention EI , which are programs in all states that offer free assessments and services like physical therapy.

IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Share this —. Follow today. More Brands. When Do Babies Roll Over? By around 8 months your baby is likely to be rolling over with ease. Here are some tips for making tummy time both safe and fun: Have a dedicated space for tummy time.

Watch the video below for more on how to help your baby roll over: Play Icon Created with Sketch. At between 6 to 8 months, your baby may be able to roll over in both directions — from front to back, and from back to front. At 2 months old your baby is unlikely to have the strength to roll over yet. The strength and motor development needed for eventually rolling over often develops at around 5 months of age, or a bit later.

Keep in mind, because you never know exactly when your baby will start rolling over, always keep a hand on your infant when he or she is on a high surface like the changing table. Give your baby plenty of tummy time to build up the strength and coordination needed for rolling over. Holding a favourite toy or rattle just out of reach of your baby during tummy time can also encourage him or her to try and roll over to grab hold of it. Start tummy time with short sessions of just a few minutes at a time.


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