Summoning how many charms

Originally Posted by Chris! You're more than welcome to King! Dont mind it at all :P. Originally Posted by chongc. Join Date Jan Location Texas. Posts Mentioned 4 Post s Quoted Post s. I will be following this guide thanks to you, and to Silentcores awesome services!

Originally Posted by US Marine. Nice guide Jakee, doing Yaks from should buff the exp per hour! For people who want to be more conservative on money should keep doing lobsters all the way to Jakee, you are really a helpful guy , will yoiu answer some more question about summoning?

How do you evaluate the value of different kind of charms? I already know that the blue charm is the best, and the exp gain from gold charm is very poor. Someone has make a picture to show the value of each charms already, but it didn't written in the summoning training guide.

Instead, it was discuss in charm page. Think you should add swamp titans into your guide? They can save you some charms in the end, just costs a little extra. Originally Posted by Sirenia. Originally Posted by freezeyp. Looks neat Ill add it to the OP and check your 'Settings' for a surprise. I only found 1 thing. Absolutely do not support this. A spirit wolf pouch is a summoning pouch used to summon a Spirit wolf. It is made by using a Summoning pouch on a Summoning obelisk with 7 spirit shards, a Gold charm and wolf bones in your inventory, requiring 1 Summoning and giving 4.

The best way to begin training Summoning is to complete the Wolf Whistle quest which levels the player up to level 4 Summoning and gives enough gold charms to get to level The quest will teach you how to craft Summoning pouches. Some of the more popular methods of obtaining blue charms include killing Bork, tormented demons, Glacor, exiled kalphite guardians, and exiled kalphite marauders. Charm sprites also have a relatively high drop rate, for players with level 72 Hunter. Most familiars summoned with green charms are used for training Skills, not combat.

Common ways to obtain gold charms are as a drop from various monsters, hunting charm sprites, and thieving Dorgesh-Kaan Rich Chests. Green charms may also be purchased using Zeal points obtained from the Soul Wars minigame. A charm used to summon familiars. A gold charm is the first- and lowest-tier charm of the four major primary charm types used in the Summoning skill. The use of gold charms in the creation of Summoning pouches requires Summoning level 1.

Charms cannot be traded between players, either directly or through the Grand Exchange, but it is possible to sell charms to the Smuggler inside Daemonheim. Charms are items used mainly in the Summoning skill as a requirement to create Summoning pouches. They are obtained primarily as drops from any of hundreds of different monsters. Charms are usually dropped independently from the monster drop list. Pricing: Buy from a store for Dungeoneering reward tokens.

Requirements: 21 Dungeoneering and Summoning to use. There are three ways to collect charms using the Hunter skill: spirit implings , which require level 54 hunter, charming moths which require 88 hunter and 83 agility, and charm sprites , which require 72 hunter.

Spirit implings are hard to find and only gives charms some of the times as they also give other summoning supplies, primarily tertiary items. Charm sprites are notable for giving a high blue charm output compared to the total number of charms, and provides a good alternative to skillers. All four charms are common loot.

In this subsection, we provide the pouches that maximise experience per charm using only tradeable tertiary ingredients and within reasonable cost. However, it also includes pouches created with obsidian charms , which are untradeable.

The number in parentheses is the number of pouches it takes for the experience between those levels. One focus is needed for each pouch. This subsection presents a counterpoint to the previous section and argues that one should not always make the pouch that maximises experience per charm.

Instead, Sacrificing a somewhat small amount of experience per charm in favour of slightly higher cost-effectiveness can imply an unexpectedly large savings of coins per experience point.

This is a rather subtle consideration and has its share of limitations, as does the perspective in the previous subsection. Again, we ignore pouches that use untradeable ingredients for simplicity, but in practice, these pouches can make a difference in training. We now compare two pouches with similar levels that use the same charm and in which all components are tradeable. For example, consider the Fire titan versus the Geyser titan.

Regardless of any spirit gem used, they use the same number of blue charms on average 1. Additionally, the opportunity cost of making the two pouches is the same, so that can also be cancelled out. Ignoring experience-boosting items, making a Geyser titan always grants 88 more Summoning experience. Making a Geyser titan costs -3, a negative number denotes a loss , and making a Fire titan costs Thus choosing to make a Geyser titan instead of a Fire titan costs the difference: -2, , and the price per experience point is this divided by 88, or Here is the central concept.

It is reasonable that in a vacuum, one can accept the cost of making Fire titans of However, because both pouches are options, one should only prefer Geyser titans over Fire titans if one can accept a pure tradeoff of At current market prices, this is a rather expensive rate that many people would not accept if they realized it.

If not, then one should always make Fire titans over Geyser titans. A geyser titan has a higher level requirement, so this comparison is always valid. This is a pure, instantaneous tradeoff of experience versus coins which does not involve time.

This is because the time-opportunity cost involved with gathering blue charms and making pouches can be cancelled out for this computation. On the other hand, this computation ignores the considerations of liquidity and transaction costs when buying items. This computation also ignores that when Summoning, many players only have a level goal in mind, rather than a charm budget. Thus one may dislike charm-gathering so much that the rather high price of about For crimson charms, Pack mammoths are the clear best pouch to make, but they require 99 Summoning and may be hard to trade.

Further calculations show that pack yaks are usually the clear second-best pouch to make, but they require level 96 Summoning. Other pouches may give more experience but are far outclassed by the next-highest pouch in the aforementioned list from the point of view of relative opportunity cost.

For green charms, one may find that Fruit bat pouches are actually preferable to Unicorn stallion pouches. This is because the implied cost per experience of preferring Unicorn stallion pouches over Fruit bat pouches must be For gold charms, if one uses them at all, one may find that Spirit terrorbirds are actually preferable to Barker toads. This is because the implied cost per experience of preferring Barker toads over Spirit terrorbirds must be 1. This article has omitted further comparisons such as Fire titans versus Rune minotaurs, etc.

One will find that the implied cost to prefer Rune minotaurs over Fire titans is very large. This analysis easily extends to using Summoning focuses. Assuming that one uses Summoning focuses for two comparable pouches, the cost of using the focus is the same for each option, so its cost can be cancelled out as before. The only difference is that now, both options have their experience reward multiplied by 1.

The claims in this section are sensitive to price changes, so they can be out of date. This section does consider Summoning focuses. Their use can significantly change the following lists. For gold charms, the only acceptable pouches are the Dreadfowl, Spirit spider, and Spirit terrorbird.

All other pouches are unacceptable because the next-highest pouch in the aforementioned list yields an implied relative tradeoff of over 20 coins per experience point and far more than 20 coins in some cases. For green charms, the only acceptable pouches are the Desert wyrm, Compost mound, Beaver, Macaw, Ibis Bunyip are barely worse than Ibises, subject to price changes , and Fruit bat. All other pouches are unacceptable.

The fruit bat is far superior to the bunyip and only requires one higher level. For blue charms, the only acceptable pouches are the Albino rat, Bronze minotaur, Iron minotaur, Spirit jelly, barely not Steel minotaur , Karamthulhu overlord, Mithril minotaur, Adamant minotaur, and Fire titan. When making pouches, you should have the charms you are using, empty pouches, spirit shards, and 25 of the tertiary ingredient. Because these methods require a lot of running, you may want to have any weight reducing equipment you own equipped or use a spirit terrorbird for infinite run.

The simplest method consists of running between a bank and a summoning obelisk. The obelisks closest to a bank are in Taverley, Menaphos Merchant district Menaphos is slightly closer and easier to reach , and in the Amlodd District in Prifddinas.

The Taverley and Prifddinas bank locations are near a house portal, so you could set your house to be in Taverley or Prifddinas and use a house teleport to shorten your trips. Above level 57 summoning, you can use a spirit kyatt to teleport near the Piscatoris summoning obelisk, and use a Tokkul-Zo or rings of duelling to bank. Using this method it is possible to make over pouches an hour, making it one of the fastest ways to train summoning.

Below level 57 summoning, you can use phoenix lair teleports and run north-east to the Piscatoris obelisk. Should the player not wish to spend money on kyatt pouches, they can use the nature grotto in Mort Myre Swamp. Run south and go through the Mort Myre gate shortcut to the Nature Spirit grotto. Make the pouches in the grotto, and bank using the Tokkul-Zo. This method is slower than using a spirit kyatt, but faster than running to Pikkupstix's house in Taverley. It is also possible to use the Balloon Transport System to make pouches in Taverley.

Equip a ring of duelling and have one log in your inventory, take a balloon to Taverley, make pouches, then teleport to the bank at Castle Wars. With a great deal of effort and several requirements, the Spirit Kyatt method can be surpassed by normal bank running with Beasts of Burden.

There is a specific order of actions needed when using Beasts of burden to make pouches. To set up, the stack of pouches, charms, and shards should be the last three items in the inventory.

This method does not work if they are the first three items, for example. Also, the BOB's interface should be open on the "inventory" view, preferably separate from both the player's inventory interface and whatever teleport interface is needed.

Here is the procedure for each trip. This is a somewhat absurd procedure that is easy to mess up, but it can be significantly productive. With a War tortoise , Surge, "Drop-default" tertiaries, bank presets, no Mobile perk, and no Summoning focuses at the Amlodd district, pouches per hour is possible but quite challenging. With a Pack Yak and the Mobile perk, pouches per hour may be possible. This method may also provide a small speedup below level 57 Summoning by using the Bull ant or Spirit terrorbird familiars.

Since spirit shards can be sold back for the same price they were purchased for at a either a Summoning shop or the Taverley pet shop owner who will buy shards in quantities larger than , it is simpler to take an educated guess at how many shards you'll need, and sell back any extras. Utilising this, the number of shards you need to initially buy can be drastically reduced, however the effectiveness of this varies greatly with number of shards you initially have and the number of times you are willing to exchange your pouches.

Also, some pouches may be worth more if sold rather than converted. However, it becomes tedious to recalculate this continuously to find the required number of shards you need initially. It is much easier to first decide how many trips to Bogrog you are willing to do as the amount of trips dictates what percentage increase you will ultimately get regardless of initial count.

The increases can be seen below:. The maximum possible number to divide by is 3 and a third 3. As shown in the table, to get close to this number requires many trips.

Let's say you needed 55, shards to attain a certain level, the first thing you do need to decide upon is how many times you would be willing to visit Bogrog which will usually be 10 times, any more than this the gain in shards is minimal; for example doing 20 trips instead of 10 when having an initial starting shard count of , only yields an extra 6, shards.

The amount of trips you are willing to do is something you have to decide. You then divide 55, by 3. Therefore, to effectively have 55, shards whilst willing to do 10 trips to Bogrog you only initially need to have 16, spirit shards. Some options only work well with some pouches, some only work well depending on prices.

You should analyse the data and figure out what is the best option for you. Using levelling methods that do not require charms, allows players to save the most valuable ones for later use in higher level familiars. Main article: Quest experience rewards - Summoning. RuneScape Wiki Explore. Ranch Out of Time Primal feast. Skills Calculators Skill training guides.

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