Animal products blood and meat should be thoroughly cooked before consumption. Reducing the risk of human-to-human transmission from direct or close contact with people with EVD symptoms, particularly with their bodily fluids. Appropriate personal protective equipment PPE should be worn when taking care of ill patients.
Regular hand washing is required after visiting patients in a hospital, as well as after touching or coming into contact with any body fluids.
Reducing the risk of possible sexual transmission based on further analysis of ongoing research and consideration by the WHO Advisory Group on the Ebola Virus Disease Response, WHO recommends that male survivors of EVD practice safe sex for 12 months from onset of symptoms or until their semen tests negative twice for Ebola virus. Contact with body fluids should be avoided and hand washing with soap and water is recommended.
WHO does not recommend isolation of male or female convalescent patients whose blood has been tested negative for the Ebola virus. Continue training and re-training of the health workforce for early detection, isolation, and treatment of EVD cases as well as re-training on safe and dignified burials and the IPC ring approach. Prepare for ring vaccination of contacts and contacts of contacts of confirmed cases and of frontline workers.
Based on the current risk assessment and prior evidence on Ebola outbreaks, WHO advises against any restriction of travel and trade to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Public health response The North Kivu Provincial health authorities are leading the current response. WHO risk assessment According to the available information, the three suspected cases and the confirmed case were admitted in several health facilities where infection prevention and control measures IPC might not have been optimal, which increases the risk of spread.
The virus expands rapidly in the air like a common cold but the Army superiors have an agenda to their own. Meanwhile Hoffman must contain the virus that's somehow made its way from Africa to the USA and the events go awry. But military intelligence Donald Sutherland have other plans to avoid deadly virus in which a sub-continent the size of America may be consumed and decimated.
Suspense thriller with plenty of action and intrigue about a deadly virus is spread in the air. The pictures results to be a metaphor for AIDS panic in the same way that 50s extraterrestrial films mirrored fears of Red Menace. The story shows the scientific methods by which such viral ills are identified and tracked , including touches on the ethical problems as germ warfare , elimination of infected and several others.
Nice performance for all-star-cast as Hoffman , Russo , Morgan Freeman as a good general , Cuba Gooding Jr as intrepid official expert on helicopters , Kevin Spacey as helper and many others. Appears unjustly uncredited T. Colorful and appropriate cinematography by Michael Balhaus , Clint Eastwood's usual. Stirring and adequate musical score by James Newton Howard. Good direction by Petersen who does have its thrilling moments , most of them in the first half , though the second half degenerates in a superhero movie in which Hoffman turning into an one army man -almost caricature and barely credible- against the military intelligence represented by nasty Donald Sutherland.
Rating : well worth watching , better than average. FAQ 7. What is 'Outbreak' about? Is "Outbreak" based on a book? What is the beginning of the movie supposed to show? Is it where they bomb the encampment in Africa? Details Edit. Release date March 10, United States. United States. Warner Bros. English Korean French. Ferndale, California, USA. Arnold Kopelson Productions Punch Productions. These challenges were highlighted during the tenth EVD outbreak which occurred in a DRC setting characterized by armed conflict, high density, and mobility of communities [ 14 ].
Instead of recruiting the local healthcare workers as the emergency responders in an outbreak situation, international response staff was used during the tenth EVD outbreak. The massive participation of international staff workers involved in the emergency response team and their increased salary compared to local health workers lead to increased community resistance illustrated by the burns of Ebola treatment facilities and the murder of Richard Valery Mouzoko, a WHO staff on April 19, , in Butembo city, located in North-Kivu province [ 15 ].
Although during that period healthcare services were free of charge in public health facilities as a response to the outbreak, health facilities are marked by poor utilization by patients due to excessive fear of potentially being referred to the Ebola treatment center. Additionally, most of these facilities did not have enough health workers given that their engagement and involvement in the outbreak response [ 6 ].
The impairment of the quality of care, the increased frustration of local health workers, and the worsening of numerous health indicators were reported [ 9 ] to impair the weak health system of DRC [ 16 ]. In view of these multiple challenges, there is a need for a revision of the implementation of the IHR policies [ 3 ] at the scale of DRC. A functional health system focused on the preparedness and response services in health emergencies [ 17 ] should be created to promote an emergency response based on the existing health system in DRC [ 18 ].
The tenth EVD outbreak has constituted a clear opportunity to build the capacity of a strong health system in DRC via the training of a local healthcare task force [ 13 ], and the involvement of community practitioners in different commissions to handle any health problems during outbreaks [ 5 ].
Therefore, a new organizational model based on the enhancement of a health communication system, and the development of an effective monitoring system to improve the capacity of existing provincial and district health systems in DRC was suggested by a recent study carried out by Mbeva and colleagues [ 19 ].
Fortnightly meetings centered on preparedness, prevention [ 20 ]; and response against any public health problems should be organized at an intermediary level in addition to regular supervision of the local health force, centered on the utilization of services and resources planning [ 3 ].
The shift of basic formation of healthcare workers with a particular focus on preventing and treating infectious diseases with a high risk of outbreaks should be encouraged by the educational and health ministries. A multidisciplinary team integrated into the existing health system is needed to provide equitable access to health care during outbreaks.
A well-organized health system between international organizations and the local health system should allow adequate supervision and continuous medical education based on common health problems [ 21 ].
The management of the tenth EVD outbreak in DRC has tinted the reinforcements of the health systems by enhancing primary and specialized healthcare capacities either during a global crisis or in normal conditions. This sustained approach Fig. First, the emergency response against EVD outbreaks is usually impaired by community resistance. However, the experience of global health security in the previous public health problems showed that community resistance is encouraged by the non-recruitment of local practitioners and the lack of funds [ 24 ].
In Uganda, the response against the EVD outbreak showed that an organized health system involving the community at the grass-root level known as the Village Health Teams allowed the early recognition of outbreaks through the daily surveillance meetings and contact tracing [ 25 ]. Thus, close communication between the community and health facilities might be implemented during or not the health emergency.
Community volunteer health workers should be continuously skilled to recognize the cause of outbreaks [ 25 ]. Secondly, the lack of local healthcare workers trained to manage a public health emergency in North-Kivu and Ituri has affected the EVD outbreak, called for international healthcare workers, and increased community resistance [ 3 ].
Building the healthcare workforce capacity able to handle the outbreaks requires a continuous provision of a multidisciplinary team able to participle in the public health emergencies response team via a specialized training plan centered on the early recognition of symptoms of pandemics and outbreaks [ 8 ].
Given that trained health worker has an increasing work-trade; financial motivation and training of all stakeholders have to be addressed by the government of the DRC and to ensure the retention of talented and well-trained staff needed to respond against EVD outbreak in their respective positions.
Additionally, a work plan of the Ministry of Health should emphasize the provision of equipped facilities and funds for essential medicine, vaccines, laboratories, and personal protective types of equipment. Furthermore, a strong laboratory network of all health zones has to be implemented to allow enabling timely diagnosis and management of outbreaks [ 26 ].
Thirdly, monitoring, contact tracing, and supervision have been criticized over the years in their methods of handling infectious disease outbreaks. However, the close monitoring and the recruitment of local healthcare workers and community leaders have shown a positive result during the response against the tenth EVD outbreak.
Also, trained staff should be encouraged to conduct continuous monitoring and supervision of health facilities with special attention to the cause of outbreaks. Given that the communication is impaired between the health facilities of different levels of the ministry of health and the community, the use of available means of communication such as community radios and community outreach programs could promote awareness of health problems and quick health communication.
The extension of the job description of community health workers to address public health challenges and to support the appropriate management of many diseases at the community level should be supported [ 27 ]. The lack of ambulances and means of communication especially in rural health zones impaired the chain of early treatment from the community, primary health facilities, and the Ebola treatment center.
The occurrence of EVD outbreaks in DRC, commonly in rural and armed conflict settings, demonstrated the role of delayed consultation of health facilities by patients in the early recognition of outbreaks.
This delay is caused by the lack of money for the affected patients. Therefore, the promotion of a free-of-charge healthcare service should be promoted up in health zones with a high risk of outbreaks, during or out of global health crisis.
This paper proposes a multidisciplinary model made to increase the health system capacity in regions concerned with public health emergencies including DRC, especially in North Kivu and Ituri provinces.
This model will be applied by the Ministry of Health and other related agencies involved in public health emergencies including WHO, especially in armed conflict and developing settings.
This model is based on two main assumptions: firstly, the model centered on the IHR may increase the community resistance; modulates the worseness of the health system during the outbreaks, and impaired the management of common health problems [ 5 ]. The second postulates is that the integration of emergency response into the health system may not only allow to reduce the economic, health, and social impacts related to the outbreaks but also will help healthcare workers and health facilities to be able to handle the next outbreaks without the recruitment of international healthcare workers.
The integrative model may reduce the delay of outbreak recognition and modulates the early contact tracing and contention of an outbreak in an efficient way. Therefore, the shift from a model based on a short-term parallel health system into an emergency response model integrated into the existing health systems could accelerate the elaboration of this model [ 8 ].
Given that this model may be seen as a threat to both individuals and organizations that used to benefit from the parallel health emergency response used to fight EVD outbreaks, this model emphasizes the integration of emergency response into the existing health system.
Therefore, it may strengthen the health system in DRC by building the capacity for early recognition and treatment of EVD. This approach will be constituted by workers from peripheral to central levels, trained and skilled to respond to the health emergency response.
The virus resembles the flu. It is carried, sometimes, without revealing its presence through any physical symptoms at all. It is deadly in part because it seems so banal. It hides in plain sight. And combatting it demands, often, the action of inaction: staying home. Doing nothing. That people can—and should—go it alone. That independence is morally preferable to interconnection. And that heroism is big and loud and explosive.
Outbreak , in that way—in its all-too-easy assumptions—anticipated some of what happened this weekend. It foresaw a moment in which some people would simply defy the exhortations of experts, either because they were not aware of the pleas or because they had seen fit to ignore them.