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Expand Health. Health services in Finland. Dental care. Mental health. Sexual health and contraception. Pregnancy and childbirth. Support during illness. Expand Disabled persons. Services for disabled persons. Financial support for disabled persons. Expand Family.
Expand What is a family? Single parent families. Expand Marriage in Finland. Getting married in Finland, a check list. Rights and obligations of spouses. Expand Divorce. Property in a divorce. Children in a divorce. Common-law relationship. Terminating a common-law relationship. Expand Children. When a child is born in Finland. Bringing up children in Finland. Child welfare. Expand Financial support for families.
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Media in Finland. Expand Cultures and religions in Finland. Finnish customs. Finnish holidays. Expand Finnish society. In winter, light snow often falls, which may not even be counted in the statistics if it does not reach a minimum amount of equivalent rain.
Finland is largely a flat country. However, in the north, there are hills, and in the extreme north-west, on the border with Norway, even a mountain, Halti, 1, meters 4, feet high. Winter is long and cold throughout the country; it lasts almost five months even in Helsinki, which lies in the far south. As you head north and east, winter gets even colder and longer. The numerous lakes that are located in Finland are frozen, and even the sea can sometimes freeze more often in the Gulf of Bothnia, but sometimes, even in the port of Helsinki and in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland , and it is necessary to resort to icebreakers to allow maritime traffic to continue.
The thaw usually occurs in April, at the beginning of the month in southern Finland, and at the end of the month in Lapland. In autumn, the snow normally begins to fall in October in Lapland, and in November in the south. May and September are two transitional months, during which the night temperatures are usually around freezing, and the only months with a mild weather are the three summer months, from June to August, when it can even get hot during the day.
Quality requirements of national land use guidelines, which direct regional and municipal planning will be implemented. Helsinki Metropolitan Area Climate Change Adaptation Strategy is a compilation of strategic guidelines and short-term policy measures and focuses on adaptation measures in the area and those crossing the sectoral and governance boundaries.
Networks and collaborations. Additionally, the environmental administration has a dedicated network on adaptation to climate change, concerning built environment, environmental protection, biodiversity, and water protection. The Ministry of Transport and Communications coordinates adaptation work on a national level in the Ministry's administrative sector. Sector-specific policy coordination at a national level is in its infancy, but climate change adaptation is part of standard preparedness work in all government agencies in the transport and communications sector.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment chairs the network of officials and is in charge of the overall coordination and compilation of the strategy work.
Each sectoral ministry is responsible for the preparation concerning its respective remit. Good practices. At the regional level, the ELY Centres' climate network develops communication and cooperation around adaptation issues relating to the environment, economic development incl. The network geographically covers the whole country, allowing for best practices to be shared across different regions. Finland's Regional Councils have also recently formed a collaboration network on climate issues.
New networks for municipalities have been formed, e. Adaptation priorities. The key priories of the Finnish national adaptation activities are formulated as objectives for the NAP: A.
Adaptation has been integrated into the planning and activities of both the various sectors and their actors. Actors have access to the necessary tools and methods for the assessment and management of climate risks.
These are interpreted and applied in the different societal sectors based on the principle of sector responsibility, and supported by national coordination across sectors. Challenges, gaps and barriers. According to climate projections Finland is likely to experience greater than average warming due to its northern location. Until now climate extremes and weather have not, however, been disastrous, and some areas have also benefitted e.
As a consequence, climate change induced risks and adaptation needs have not been recognized in all sectors. More information about risks, as well as practical information and guidance about adaptation measures are needed. The decision-making and operational time spans of some livelihoods are significantly shorter than those of the expected climatic changes relevant for them.
More proactive approaches are needed in adaptation, instead of reactive ones. Stakeholders may not know which authorities in their field are in charge of the adaptation measures. On the other hand, climate issues may be understood as relevant only for those working in the environmental administration. Adaptation plans and policies should allow flexibility and self-organisation as well as culturally appropriate, localizable and cross-sectoral solutions, instead of uniform, centrally regulated and sectoral approaches.
Tennberg et al. Summaries of national strategies. National adaptation plan adopted in The long-term aim of the national adaptation plan is that Finnish society has the capacity to manage risks associated with climate change and adapt to changes in the climate.
Based on the aim, three objectives are set until the year A. To meet these objectives, actions are prescribed in twelve main fields of action: 1. Studies are conducted on climate resilience on the national level.
Action plans for specific administrative branches are drawn up and implemented, taking account of the international impacts of climate change.
Drafting of regional and local adaptation studies is promoted. Adaptation is promoted in international cooperation. Adaptation is included in EU policies and international region-based cooperation projects. Climate risk assessment and management is improved. Instruments applicable to the management of financial risks caused by climate change are developed.
Adaptation research is reinforced. Business opportunities related to adaptation are developed. Tools are developed in support of regional adaptation work. Communication on adaptation is developed.
Education and training content on adaptation is developed. The NAP also describes actions for the coordination, follow-up and evaluation of its implementation. The Plan describes the actors responsible for the actions and their implementation, along with timeframes and resources.
The mid-term evaluation of the NAP was completed in In response to the recommendations presented in the evaluation, the National Monitoring Group for Climate Change Adaptation promoted additional actions for the remaining implementation period leading by to strengthen implementation of the NAP towards its objectives. The NAP focuses primarily cross-sectoral actions. These sectoral action plans contain more detailed actions to be implemented at the national level and in many sectors also by regional and local level actors.
The timelines, responsible actors and implementation resources are included in varying levels of detail in the specific action plans. In addition to the NAP, there are sectoral adaptation action plans that detail more specific actions in different sectors. Overview of sub-national strategies. There are 14 Finnish municipalities that have signed the Covenant of Mayors initiative with targets including climate adaptation as part of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan.
According to the survey made to Finnish municipalities Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities on climate change adaptation, the emergency plans are most common on water management, other plans include emergency plans on storms and flood risk mappings.
In municipalities preparedness to extreme weather events and other disaster risk reduction is linked to Emergency Powers Act. According to the, Act municipalities shall ensure, by means of emergency plans, prior preparation of emergency operations and other measures, that their duties will be performed with the least amount of disruption also in emergency conditions. The importance of the preparedness regarding various climate risks is also noted in the National Security Strategy for Society and triennally updated National Risk Assessment most recent update , in which for example urban stormwater floods, heath waves and snowstorms are threats requiring maintaining and improving preparedness in local level.
Helsinki Metropolitan Area's Climate Change Adaptation Strategy HSY was divided into two parts: strategic starting points and policy guidelines common to the region, and set of shorter-term policy measures. The policy measures were defined for the following sectors and cross-sectoral issues: 1 Land use, 2 Transport and technical networks, 3 Building and climate proof local environment, 4 Water and waste management, 5 Rescue services and safety, 6 Social and health services, and 7 Cooperation in producing and disseminating information.
The strategy was complemented in with new focus areas: Green infrastructure, Social and health services, Climate proof housing, Storm water management, Preparedness of water services, Preparedness for climate risks, Adaption of public transport system, and Cooperation with businesses and NGOs. The proposed adaptation measures are linked to four major themes in the programme: food e. The programme is expected to be finalised in the spring Integrate climate change adaptation into sectoral policies, plans and programs.
Water resources: In water resources sector climate change has been integrated to the implementation of EUs water framework and flood directives, national dam safety legislation, water supply site risk assessment and review process of water course regulation permits. The selection and prioritisation of measures proposed in the 2nd flood risk management plans and 3rd river basin management plans include estimation of climate resilience of different strategies and measures.
Methodology for assessment of drought impacts on water resources and water sufficiency has been developed and pilot for regional drought management plan was carried out in Watershed regulation and permits require reassessment due to seasonal changes in water levels and discharges. Adaptation may require changes in the regulation permits. Dam safety legislation requires the estimation of the design floods for classified dams.
The climate change affects the magnitudes of the design floods and it should be taken into account in the estimation of the design floods in the watersheds, where the floods are expected to increase. Forestry: Climate sustainable forestry is an integral part of the National Forest Strategy This is achieved by improving knowledge on and practical tools for the enhancement of carbon storage and sequestration in forests as well as on the impacts of forests and forest management on climate change adaptation.
Increased financing for research as well as updated legislation and guidelines on forests and climate change also contribute to improved risk management carried out by forest owners, operators and authorities. Transport: Adaptation is part of standard sectoral policies, plans and programmes in the transport sector.
The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, which operates under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, is responsible for road, railway and waterway construction and maintenance. One of the Agency's challenges for infrastructure management is to plan required adaptation measures for the transport network due to the impacts of climate change.
This involves examining the functional limits, resilience and vulnerability of existing structures and technical systems. Built environment: In the built environment sector, the legislative steering of adaptation to climate change is based on the Land Use and Building Act.
Another important method for steering land use in regard to adaptation has been the national land use guidelines Government Decision , one of the main focus areas of which is adaptation. According to the Land Use and Building Act, the national land use guidelines must be taken into account in regional level planning, municipal land use planning and in the operations of the authorities.
In , the Land Use and Building Act was amended with provisions on stormwater management. Increasing rain levels have been taken into consideration through the issuing of a decree on the preparation of moisture control plans in construction in A reform of land use and planning is currently ongoing and its main targets are mitigation and adaptation of climate change.
Disaster risk reduction: In , climate change adaptation was linked to the National Risk Assessment by describing the diversity of weather and climate risks and the challenges posed by growing risks to society. There is no single national disaster risk reduction strategy in Finland but there is legislation, government resolutions, different strategies and programmes that form together the necessary preparedness of the society to the different kind of disasters legislation: Emergency Powers Act, Rescue Act, Act on Security of Supply, other relevant documents: Security Strategy for Society, National Risk Assessment, Internal Security Strategy.
It takes into account also security aspects as appropriate. Stakeholder engagement - public. As a part of the reform of the Finnish Climate Change Act, which includes also updating of the regulation on adaptation, vulnerable groups to climate change, such as children and youth, elderly and indigenous peoples Sami have been consulted.
There were for example official negotiations with the Sami Parliament, where the Sami emphasised the support for adaptation. The consultation was held in Northern Sami language and Finnish in order to protect language rights.
In addition, there was a specific workshop consultation for Sami youth, which was held in Nothern Sami language and Finnish. In addition, the Minister of the Environment has met with youth groups several times.
Online consultations have been available in 6 languages Finnish, Swedish, English, 3 Sami languages in order to take into account language minorities.
Farmer community is as a whole vulnerable to climate change impacts. Crop production is directly prone to exceptional, harmful weather conditions strenghened by climate change and animal farms both directly animal health issues and indirectly availability and quality of feed.
At high-latitudes fast and large scale adaptation is needed, which requires prioritization of potential adaptation measures by acknowledging regional differences not only in growing conditions per se but also depending on local farming systems and farm types. Reindeer herding is vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change, such as changes in snow patterns that make it difficult for reindeer to find food from under the snow.
The project supports the implementation of the National Adaptation Strategy Plan and responds to the needs risen in the first interim evaluation for increasing awareness and developing means of steering mechanisms and adaptation tools for reindeer husbandry. Stakeholder engagement - private. As a part of the reform of the Finnish Climate Change Act, there has been wide consultations that have been open to also private sector during A specific workshop was also prepared for private sector representatives.
Adaptation has been discussed as part of the consultations that covered in total over individuals. Winter tourism industry is vulnerable to changes in winter conditions, particularly those related to snow in the early season, such as the delay of natural snowfall. Adaptive strategies increasingly in use include snowmaking and snow storage, skiing tubes, and the development of alternative services.
A climate service in the form of an interactive desktop application for winter tourism industry that provides reliable 4-week forecast on snowmaking conditions was co-designed in the Blue-Action: Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate H project in by LaY and Rukakeskus Ltd. The climate service supports sustainable adaptation to climate change in the winter tourism sector and can be replicated in other geographical locations. The preparation of the new sustainable urban living programme for the Helsinki metropolitan area included in thematic workshops one of them on adaptation in which private sector representatives working in the area of sustainability were among the invitees.
They were also given an opportunity to comment on the programme draft in Monitoring, reporting and evaluation MRE methodology. These monitoring activities are based on standard approaches in their respective areas.
The evaluations of climate impacts, vulnerabilities, risks, and adaptive capacity are mostly carried out in ad hoc projects that use the monitoring data coupled with auxiliary information. Examples of such projects include the following: Projects related to general weather, climate and hydrological monitoring have for example produced an operational service to forecast the number of customers who might encounter power cuts due to storms and heavy winds and the cost of such events SASSE.
Another ongoing project UHKA focuses in improving better situation awareness and anticipatory information on the possibility of extensive forest fires in Finland. One project aims to help the Rescue Services to have a better situational picture in connection to forest fires MAST with information from the wild fire propagation and the small-scale wind models.
One project focused in collecting, harmonizing and archiving weather and climate impact data and the primary outcome of the project was a usable impact database with more than one million records of impact events from eight different data sources SILVA.
Another project RASMI elaborated weather data files that can be utilized in assessing energy demand and physical functioning in buildings in the current and future climate.
Project pilots under E-SHAPE tailored sub-seasonal and seasonal climate forecast services for the City of Helsinki and tire companies to adapt operations to largely varying snow conditions in a warming climate. A newly initiated FINSCAPES —project aims to develop new integrated scenarios of socioeconomic and climate change during the 21st century for use in climate change research and policy making in Finland. Projects related to monitoring of health have for example improved the treatment of key uncertainties in climate change impact, adaptation and vulnerability analysis, with a focus on Finland and two sectors, agriculture and human health PLUMES.
The impacts of climate change on the frequency and intensity of heat waves in Finland as well as the the predictability of prolonged warm periods are examined in HEATCLIM —project. The relationship between weather variables and health are the studied in CHAMPS through data on hospital admissions, sickness absences and mortality.
MRE implementation. National adaptation actions are guided by the National Adaptation Plan of A mid-term evaluation of the NAP was published in spring The evaluation followed a two-phase process. In the first phase, a facilitated self-evaluation process was carried out with sectoral administrations at the national level, consisting of group interviews with representatives of ministries and associated agencies and national research institutes in eight sectors, as well as key regional and local level representatives.
The second phase focused on engaging stakeholders beyond the national level administrations. Regional and local stakeholders from 11 different sectors were consulted via an online survey, and five regional stakeholder workshops were organised around the country to discuss progress of adaptation work from a regional perspective.
The development of the monitoring and reporting of the NAP has aimed at setting up a monitoring system and identify adaptation indicators. A preliminary list of key adaptation indicators was compiled in The list of indicators was discussed in a dialogue with stakeholders in and its further development is an ongoing process lead by the cross-ministerial monitoring group set up to support implementation and monitoring of the NAP.
There are not yet any fixed agreed indicators that would be used routinely for the adaptation action. Instead the focus has been on tracking the actual actions.
The Ministry of the Environment has followed up its own adaptation programme by systematically tracking the actions and identifying progress and challenges. The monitoring does not use specific indicators. Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY has coordinated the monitoring and developed six monitoring reports between and The final evaluation report at the end of the strategy period has not yet been developed.
While the monitoring reports follow up the implementation of the strategy measures, the state of adaptation is not touched upon in those. The indicators include e. State of play - implementation. The review demonstrated that awareness of climate change and the need for adaptation has increased among the relevant actors, especially at the national level.
The effects and risks associated with climate change are being discussed more broadly when producing information. However, measures to manage climate-related risks are still partly lacking. Investing and focusing more on the planning and implementation of adaptation actions makes it possible to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change more effectively than what is currently being done.
The most important needs for development were found to be in increasing awareness of weather and climate-related risks and the possibilities to adapt to them, clarifying the roles and responsibilities related to adaptation and ensuring well-functioning coordination. The review concluded that is is important to develop sector-specific guidance, along with tools and instructions that regional and local operators in particular can use to strengthen their adaptive capacity at their own initiative.
Furthermore, additional resources are needed to ensure climate resilient development in different sectors and levels of administration. In terms of the steering instruments, progress has been made in taking the needs for adaptation into account, but consistency of the guidance should be further improved. There is more information on the possible impacts of climate change, but work needs to be done in terms of the planning and knowledge base of adaptation measures. There is still information missing about the consequences of changes in ecosystem services to livelihoods and ways of life that depend on them.
State of play - spending for climate adaptation including disaster risk management. A guiding principle for implementing adaptation policies since in has been mainstreaming of adaptation into regular planning processes and activities in different sectors. As a result, specific funding earmarked for adaptation is not routinely identifiable and is difficult to track in state budgets, since actions regarding adaptation are mostly done with basic funding as a part of official duties both in national and subnational level.
Funding that primarily or significantly contributes towards climate adaptation can be identified in multiple sectors, including transport, agriculture, forestry, urban, civil protection, health, energy, water management and ICT.
For instance, the Ministry of Interior reported that in their administrative branch there is no earmarked funding to increase climate resilience and adaptation. Some funds allocated towards preparedness and disaster risk management can be linked to adaptation and disaster risk reduction, such as spending on rescue operations linked to forest fires and other extreme weather events. The importance of adaptation and the need to prepare for catastrophic events has been recognized and measures to improve resilience and climate adaptation are part of basic funding in the sector.
The same applies to the Ministry of Defence. Another example of mainstreaming of funding is through allocation of state budget to national agencies operating under steering from ministries. For example, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications steers authorities and actors to implement climate adaptation as a part of their official duties.
The Ministry requires agencies under its steering to provide information and research data on climate change impacts and to increase levels of preparedness and adaptation. State of play - spending by sector. A substantial amount of funding related to climate adaptation is not earmarked, since measures and actions regarding climate change adaptation are mostly done with basic funding as a part of official duties both in national and subnational level, and some funds are only allocated when needed.
The following examples are not exhaustive and do not represent all of the funds directed to support climate change adaptation in the mentioned sectors, but rather provide some examples of recent adaptation spending. In the transport sector, funding that primarily of significantly contributed to adaptation was approx. A large portion of the spending was allocated to improving the transport network incl. In civil protection and emergency management sector, funding has been allocated towards different projects in which emergency systems have been developed, information on extreme weather conditions and especially on forest fires has been collected.
In the water resources sector, examples of funding that contribute significantly to adaptation include spending on flood risk management and prevention, automation of groundwater monitoring systems, water management in agriculture and forestry, and renovation of water supply infrastructure.
Spending on improvements to water supply infrastructure is typically not allocated from national budgets but covered by municipal and water supply operator funds.
In municipalities, amounts of spending on adaptation cannot currently be assessed. State funds are allocated to municipalities but they are free to decide on how they spent their state funds, which are routinely supplemented by their own budgets. At the municipal level, funds are directed towards land use planning, mapping flood areas and development of storm water systems.
Progress towards reducing climate impacts, vulnerabilities and risks. As noted under 4. The twelve fields of actions main elements in the NAP are the following: 1. Action plans for specific administrative branches are drawn up and implemented, taking account of the international repercussions of climate change. The progress in these areas contribute to a general reduction of vulnerabilities and risks, but it is not possible to quantify how great reductions have been achieved.
However, weather extremes cause, for example, economic impacts in the current climate in several sectors agriculture, forestry, electricity distribution , but an exact quantification has not yet been possible Tuomenvirta et al.
Progress increasing adaptive capacity. Adaptive capacity has generally increased through the increased awareness of possible climate change impacts. In water resources and flood management, the capacity to adjust water flow and to react to flood risks has been increased by setting up a dedicated flood centre run jointly by SYKE and FMI. Flood risk maps are also being produced for areas subject to potential fluvial or sea surge floods. This has made network operators invest in ways to reduce the risk of distribution failures due to for example storms.
In the agricultural sector farmers have diversified crop rotations by introducing novel crops for cultivation, shifting cultivation of crops northwards and even substantially expanding field areas under minor crops like pea, faba bean, caraway, oilseed rape.
These measures not only improve long term sustainability and diversify agricultural land use, but also support improvements in adaptive capacity and resiliency of agricultural systems. Progress meeting adaptation priorities. The long term aim of the NAP is to ensure that the Finnish society has the capacity to manage the risks associated with climate change and adapt to changes in the climate. The following objectives set the priorities: A. Adaptation has been integrated into the planning and activities of both the societal sectors and their actors.
The actors have access to the necessary climate change assessment and management methods. Priority A can be documented in an increasing recognition of the need for adaptation. For example the Health Sector has drafted its first adaptation plan in and climate change is referred to in the detailed planning of many sectors. Priority B has been advanced in a growing number of studies highlighting different aspects of climate change, but as of yet there is no single depository for assessment and management methods.
The national portal Climate Guide ilmasto-opas. Further academic research has and is being funded by, for example, the Academy of Finland and the Strategic Research Council. Progress addressing barriers to adaptation. It concluded that the most common barriers to implementing the NAP were inadequate identification of climate risks, low priority given to climate work and adaptation, a lack of financial resources, a lack of information and expertise, as well as the available information not being sufficiently applicable to practical work.
Insufficient awareness of the potential impacts of climate change is a barrier in particular to the integration of climate change adaptation in the sector planning of those sectors in which weather has so far had little effect on planning the activities, the health sector being a case in point.
This barrier is being addressed by national sector specific planning such as that of the health sector. Progress in this respect is expected to improve also coordination and integration of adaptation, which by its nature is challenging Russel et al.
Awareness of the NAP has been relatively low at the regional level and local levels. There have been bottom-up activities fostering adaptation, but greater integration and more learning could be achieved. This barrier is currently addressed by emphasising the role of the regional Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment and also the Regional Councils.
The drafting of Roadmaps for climate change action have been initiated and are likely to reduce the barriers. Also a number of municipalities, including the Helsinki Metropolitan Region, have been active in formulating adaptation strategies. Steps to review climate change impact and vulnerability assessments. To improve efficiency a CCA and DRR governance model has been proposed that is designed to produce sector-specific risk assessments from inter-operable basic data; ultimately combining them cost-effectively into a national climate risk assessment at regular intervals.
It can also guide regional and municipal risk assessments. It is suitable for assessing the consequences of harmful weather events, emerging risks and cross-border effects. The climate risk assessment is linked to the preparation and evaluation of policy measures.
It utilizes scenarios on societal development for exposure and vulnerability assessments and provides a knowledge base for developing climate change adaptation measures and governmental security and foresight activities. The governance model requires nationwide coordination with wide range of expertise, e.
Each sector would be responsible for its own risk assessments, but the model would ensure that monitoring and forecasting information of risk management is common across sectors. The model suggests an update of the national climate risk assessment every six years. It is thus possible to integrate the climate risk assessment with the National Risk Assessment, which is carried out every three years in accordance with the national Security Strategy for Society.