How does size of ions affect conductivity

Since ions are of different sizes, and carry different amounts of water with them as they move, the temperature effect is different for each ion. The conductivity of a material is an inherent property. Pure water at a particular temperature will always have the same conductivity. The conductance of a sample of pure water depends on how the measurement is made—how big a sample, how far apart the measuring electrodes are, etc.

It is defined as the reciprocal of the resistance in ohms, measured between the opposing faces of a 1 cm cube of liquid at a specific temperature. See Conductivity Cell Figure. The basic unit of conductance is the Siemens S. Because a measurement gives the conductance, techniques have been worked out to convert the measured value to the conductivity, so that results can be compared from different experiments.

This is done by measuring a cell constant K for each setup, using a solution of known conductivity. The cell constant is related to the physical characteristics of the measuring cell. K is defined for two flat, parallel measuring electrodes as the electrode separation distance d divided by the electrode area A.

Thus, for a 1 cm cube of liquid In practice, the measured cell value is entered into the meter, and the conversion from conductance to conductivity is done automatically. The K value used varies with the linear measuring range of the cell selected. So now after greater solvation smaller ions get slower than the larger ions in that solvent. And hence conduction of smaller ion decreases in that solvent. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

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Bandara, H. Fernando, M. Furlani, I. Albinsson, M. Dissanayake, J. Ratnasekera and B. Mellander, Phys. To request permission to reproduce material from this article, please go to the Copyright Clearance Center request page.

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