If half of a large trapped chest is renamed, that name is used to label the GUI of the entire large trapped chest, but if the named half is destroyed, the other half reverts to the default label.
If both halves of a large trapped chest have different names, the GUI label takes the name of the northernmost or westernmost half of the large trapped chest depending on its orientation the half with the lowest coordinate in the appropriate axis. A trapped chest can be "locked" by setting the trapped chest's Lock tag. If a trapped chest's Lock tag is not blank, the trapped chest cannot be opened except by players holding an item with the same name as the Lock tag's text.
A trapped chest's Lock tag can be set or unset with the data command. Chests left and trapped chests right can be placed next to each other. Redstone dust configures itself to point toward trapped chests, but not toward regular chests.
A trapped chest is inactive while not being accessed, but activates when accessed by a player see above. Accessing either part of a large trapped chest activates both halves of the large trapped chest. An active trapped chest does not power any adjacent redstone comparators facing away from it.
Redstone comparators can measure the block state of the trapped chest, producing a power level from 0 to 15 proportional to how full the trapped chest is. Anything else powered by an active trapped chest including a block beneath it can power redstone comparators normally. Piglins become hostile toward players who open, break or interact with trapped chests. Trapped chests can be used as a fuel in furnaces , smelting 1. Trapped chests can be placed under note blocks to produce "bass" sound.
As with normal chests, on December 24, 25, and 26, trapped chests and large trapped chests have their textures changed to Christmas chests that look like presents. In Bedrock Edition , a trapped chest's block data stores its facing:.
Every trapped chest has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the trapped chest. Issues relating to "Trapped Chest" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there. Minecraft Wiki. Minecraft Wiki Explore. Main Page All Pages. Minecraft Minecraft Earth Minecraft Dungeons. Useful pages. Minecraft links. Gamepedia support Report a bad ad Help Wiki Contact us. Explore Wikis Community Central.
Register Don't have an account? Trapped Chest. History Talk See also: Redstone circuit. Luckily, trapped chests can be broken with any tool, although axes seem to be the fastest.
If there are items in the chest, they will be dropped upon breaking the chest. If the Minecraft player is breaking a large trapped chest, and they break half of it, the items on that half of the chest will drop, but the other side of the chest will still function as a small trapped chest.
Trapped chests can be used as containers and as redstone components. A trapped chest is inactive while not being accessed, but is activated when accessed by a player. When the chest goes active, it can:. Trapped chests can activate buried TNT, which ultimately destroys themselves, any items within them and any mobs or players near them. The only set back to this, however, is that the chest needs to be opened twice for the TNT to be activated. When placing two adjacent trapped chests side-by-side, it will combine the two chests, creating a double trapped chest.
To avoid this, players in Java Edition can sneak while placing a second trapped chest, or place the second trapped chest facing a different direction.
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History Talk 1. I'm still growing!