The fitter you are , the easier it is for your body to circulate oxygen to your muscles, as well as eliminate nitrogen more effectively. Of course, being in good shape gives you more strength and better control of your body in the water too. Proper planning means you know what to expect in your given time frame. It also allows you adequate time to respond and adapt to changing events, such as currents or wildlife. Maintaining an ascent speed of around m per minute ensures your body has sufficient time to release gas safely.
It helps to use a dive computer and nitrogen monitor for this. It can also help to do a safety stop to give you a little extra time when needed. Ascending to high altitudes can elevate your risk of DCS as nitrogen is still being released from your system. Therefore, it is best not to fly 24 hours after your last dive.
Think of your dive like the curve on a graph. As you go up and down, it should be a smooth, gradual curve rather than saw-toothing. Tips for enjoying holiday meals. A conversation about reducing the harms of social media. Menopause and memory: Know the facts. How to get your child to put away toys. Is a common pain reliever safe during pregnancy?
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Regular exercise improves fitness and cardiovascular health, which translates into the ability to cope with emergencies and mitigates risk of DCS. Adults need two types of regular activity to maintain or improve their health: aerobics and strength training. The breathing gas mixture a diver uses can play a role in the development of DCS.
Enriched air nitrox, also known as nitrox, includes an increased percentage of oxygen and, therefore, a reduced percentage of nitrogen. When diving nitrox and using the decompression schedule for air diving, the risk of DCS is reduced.
The higher oxygen content of nitrox comes with an increased risk of developing oxygen toxicity if safe depth limit is exceeded.
Note: Diving enriched air requires special training. Contact your local dive center or resort to learn more. While individual susceptibility to DCS may vary, every diver can reduce their risk of decompression sickness by ascending slowly from every dive and following recreational diving guidelines.
Postdive Air Travel Flying after diving increases decompression stress because the pressure in an aircraft cabin is lower than atmospheric pressure on the ground. The recommended guidelines for flying after diving are as follows: After a single no-decompression dive, a minimum preflight surface interval of 12 hours is suggested.
After multiple dives per day, or multiple days of diving, a minimum preflight surface interval of 18 hours is suggested.