How can i seek first the kingdom of god

Jesus warned His disciples about worldly concerns often, and we counter them by seeking God and His righteousness. Our Father, who is love and far more trustworthy than man, encourages us through Matthew and other Bible verses to keep an eternal perspective even as we cross each day off of our calendars. You and I are called to refuse worry and anxiety. Instead, we seek first the kingdom of God. Children love playing hide and seek — a game in which all but one participant hides with the intent of being the last one found.

It also means to look for, go after, to search for. God remains available and ready for us to find Him, to look for and worship Him in those anxiety-riddled situations. Do we run to worship, searching for God the way we easily lean and rely on worry? Prayer 1 Thessalonians challenges us to pray continually. Many other Bible verses offer a similar message. Prayer is important. Jesus spoke to the Father often, relaying that importance.

He prayed with many people and in groups, but He also spent time alone with God. And during those solitary moments with His Father, we note an intimate communion between the two of them such as in Matthew 26 , verses 39, 42, and That opportunity for intimacy through prayer exists for us, too. But our Father wants to meet with us personally, and He often does that through Scripture. Why rely solely on man when something much more personal remains available?

God gave us His word so that we can keep our way pure, according to Psalm Worship Have you ever worshiped in your living room, outside, or among the church pews? This time of intimacy, simply recognizing God as the Almighty and honoring Him for who He is, ushers us into His presence. If at a loss for words, try reading and praying a Psalm or several to God. These Bible verses are full of worship. Consider a hymn or other worship song as well.

Have you ever seen signs dotting the roadsides with the message Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near? John the Baptist preached that message in the book of Matthew. Some folks continue proclaiming it today. Or, if you have watched a sports game on television, you might have noticed a sign proclaiming John Worship: Have you ever worshiped in the church, your living room, or outside? This time of intimacy, simply recognizing God as the Almighty and honoring Him for who He is, ushers us into His presence.

If at a loss for words, try reading and praying a Psalm or several to God. These Bible verses are full of worship. Consider a worship song as well. John the Baptist preached that message in the book of Matthew. Some folks continue proclaiming it today. Or, if you have watched a sports game on television, you might have noticed a sign proclaiming John These messages relate to repentance — a necessary heart attitude for salvation eternity in heaven and keeping with the righteousness of God.

All of us sin. Still, God loves us — every person on earth. Praise: People like praise. Can you imagine how much more God does? Psalm indicates that we enter His courts with praise. We draw into His presence this way. Psalm tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. Often, we are convicted or stirred to action during praise. It remains important and right for us to do in the Christian walk. Thanksgiving: Psalm also indicates we enter His gates with thanksgiving in our heart.

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?

Instead of living for and by what they can do themselves, Jesus invites them into a life of sonship where provision comes because of who they are, not because of what they do! Imagine hearing this for the first time! That is, provision flows out of His Kingdom because you are His child and He loves you, not because of how you perform, sweat, work or strive on your own.

It means that you look to God and His Kingdom first for everything you need, including your purpose in life, your daily provision, your creative inspiration, your business ideas, your family relationships, everything. The unique gifts and talents God has equipped you with are designed to both bring you life and also be used by God to release the transformative power of His Kingdom on earth.

As you do that, God is faithful to release vision, provision, opportunity, and authority to walk in the assignment He has created for you. In it, Jesus shares a variety of teachings on a myriad of subjects including divorce, prayer, revenge, swearing oaths, adultery, murder, giving to the needy, the Law, and more. It also includes one of the most famous portions of scripture, the Beatitudes found in Matthew In all of these varied subjects, he draws a distinction between life in the Kingdom of God versus the life lived in the Kingdom of this world.

No longer are they on their own, trying to navigate life in their own strength but rather, they can enter into the Kingdom of God and have every need met without begging or striving. For people years ago and indeed, for us today, this is really good news! The new life in the Kingdom has ramifications for every area of living including relationships, money, emotional health, spiritual growth, and more.


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