Flowers white Erica carnea f. Magenta flowers. Erica lusitanica f. Height 1. Scented, white flowers opening from pink buds from late winter to mid spring. Neutral to acid soil Erica arbora var. Small, fragrant white flowers. Neutral to acid soil. Height 25cm 10in. Height 30cm 1ft. Flowers single and white.
The buds remain closed, but give plenty of colour for several months. The best planting companions may include pines all sizes to choose from , white stemmed birches , mountain ash species and cultivars Sorbus , Cornus , acid-loving Gaultheria mucronata and Vaccinium. Grasses can produce attractive foliage contrasts. Add spring-flowering bulbs such as snowdrops, Iris histrioides and Iris reticulata cultivars. White flowered heather such as Erica carnea f. Heathers can suffer from Phytophthora root rot , especially in warmer climates.
Rabbits and deer grazing in rural areas. This books is made available through the RHS Library. Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Take action Why take action? Support us Donate Careers Commercial opportunities Leave a legacy.
Join the RHS today and support our charitable work Join now. Hot links Browse inspiration articles Buy plants online. Buy tickets. Poor foliage color or stunted growth would indicate the need for feeding. There was a time, back in the s, when dwarf conifers and heathers seemed the answer to a gardener's prayer — they are evergreen, they look good all year round and they need little in the way of maintenance. Yes, well, that's it.
Classic companion planting with heather often includes rhododendrons and azaleas. These plants crave the same acidic soil and consistent moisture on which heathers thrive. You can even fertilize heathers and heath with the rhododendron foods on the market with excellent results. The plant features white, pink or purple flowering stems, depending on variety, and flourishes in the acidic soil of moors and bogs and other areas many plants won't grow.
Heather needs cool weather and partial sun to thrive. Heather that loses all its leaves and dries out completely, may be dead. Cultivation notes. Be sure not to prune your winter blooming heath, as you will be pruning off the flowers that will be opening soon. Every week something new goes on sale. Check back frequently for new deals and offers as we rearrange our stock. Skip to main content. Back to Plant Digest Overview.
Be sure not to cut down to the brown, woody stems, leave green growth on the base of each stem. Use hedging shears for larger plants, or whenever you get tired of snipping individual flower stalks.
Nip the stalks with the shears just below where the flower stalk starts. World traveler, professional writer and consummate gardener, Spengler earned a BA from U. She currently divides her life between San Francisco and southwestern France.