Can't click on any gates. February When I try to click on a gate to lock it as usual, nothing happens. The cursor doesn't even change! I've tried different gates, with moveobject on, in live build and buy modes. Shift ctrl and right click let me lock, but not lock only to pets like I always have done. I haven't downloaded any custom content for a long time, and am only just having this trouble today.
Me too. Message 1 of 16 3, Views. Reply 0. Re: Can't click on any gates. February Hi Suabam , I'm sorry to read you are having issues with your game. Message 2 of 16 3, Views. February Hello! Thanks for getting back to me My other save games are working ok.
Message 3 of 16 3, Views. March Can anyone else help? Message 4 of 16 3, Views. April Hi Suabam , Could you try other households in the same save games to check if the issue is happening only in that house or it happens in all the houses of that save game? Message 5 of 16 2, Views. June I am having the same issue and it just started today. Message 6 of 16 2, Views. June Hi HippieWiccan13 , Do you remember having done any changes in your computer or game since the last time you played?
Message 7 of 16 2, Views. June Nope, nothing. Message 8 of 16 2, Views. Just a wild stab in the dark but since they both deal with locking sims out I was just wondering if it was interfering some how. If you're using Go Here you might want to take it out and test again. Might have nothing to do with it, but it's something to try.
Post by igazor » Tue Feb 06, pm Just in case any clarification is needed, there is currently no testing version of GoHere. With trumpets blasting and much confetti flying around, v44 was fully released yesterday. Though I am sure that's the version meant here. Will have to add it as soon as I get my game to behave. Post by Luvtehgeeks » Tue Feb 06, pm Can you get mine to behave while you're at it?
Lmao so as I was perusing the guest list I noticed a couple of past friends on the list of sims I could invite and being a wise ass thought yeah, why not? I set the party to start at 4pm so my girl would have the whole day to cook and clean then hung up the phone.
Going to map view a few minutes later I notice a large group headed for my place Board index All times are UTC. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. I just loaded my game to check now. When I left click on any door or gate I get the lock option and an option to set it as the front door.
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