Can you carpet over tile floor

Page 1 of 1 15 replies. Hi people, just found out about this site its great. Hope someone can help me. I am looking at gettig carpet put in my lounge room but currently have tyles. Excuse my ignorance on this matter but i was told by some one that i cant get carpoet unless i take the tiles off. Any suggestions or can some guide me in the right direction for carpeting.

It would be 2 rooms that i would like to carpet that currently are tiled. Re: Carpet over tiles. I am in the same situation of considering carpeting over tiles in my lounge room. I've heard somewhere that it is better to remove the tiles.

This is because over time the shape of the tiles will be imprinted in the carpet. This is considered more of a long term problem. Im not an expert by any means , this is only what i have heard. Im considering removing my tiles..

Make sure you use quality underlay. The only problem you will have is the hight you are left with once you lay the carpet over another surface. But this is up to you, not a definite thing to have to do. The laying of carpet over tiles was done ALL the time. You just have to nut out the small problems along the way. But it is far better than destroying your home for 2 weeks while ripping up floor tiles!!

All you need is double-sided carpet tapes and your skills. Extra tip: Make sure to use plenty of tape. This will better help stick the underpad to the tiling. And prevent the carpet from moving around.

This is a more recommended technique when it comes to carpeting. This too has a similar process. Instead, this involves tack strips instead of tape. It takes about the same time as retiling a shower. Wondering which tack strips will stick the best? Here we have a list of the most recommended ones to help guide you:.

First, use your vacuum to clean the entire surface. Then take your favorite tile cleaner and clean all the dirt and gunk off the tile. Next, take your tack strips and pull out all the nails from them. Then use your contact cement to stick the cement onto the strips. After that, place the strips along the perimeters of your room. Similar to the space between floor tile and tub. Following this measurement, keep placing the strips. Continue this process along each wall until the carpet is attached to the tackless strips along all sides.

Push the carpet edges between the wall and the tackless strips and re-install your baseboard or trim. Renee Miller began writing professionally in , contributing to websites and the "Community Press" newspaper. She is co-founder of On Fiction Writing, a website for writers. Miller holds a diploma in social services from Clarke College in Belleville, Ontario.

By Renee Miller Updated December 14, Related Articles. Cut the under-padding into strips that extend over the tackless strips at each end of the room. The next step is installing the underpadding, and there are many options available. The benefits of having quality padding cannot be underestimated. Here are some of the benefits for your consideration:. A quality carpet padding makes the carpet feel soft under your feet. Choosing low-quality padding will likely cause problems as it will wear down in the high traffic areas.

Padding will also help to insulate sound. This is an often overlooked benefit of carpet padding. It helps to protect the home and the subfloor from microbes, reducing the possibility that they will grow and affect the health of your family.

Layout the carpeting and cut the edges with an additional 6 inches on all sides. Be cautious when using the utility knife to cut the carpeting and always cut away from your body. Be careful about the utility knife coming through the carpet backing and cutting your fingers. Start on one side of the room by hooking the end of the carpet over the tack strip. You can set the carpet in place by using a kicker, which can be rented from almost any hardware store.

At that point, stretch the carpet using a carpet stretcher toward the opposing wall and attach the carpet to the tack strip. Carefully trim the excess carpeting and if necessary, use the carpet kicker to tighten up the carpet. The carpet should be attached to the tack strip on all sides of the room and a utility knife can be used to trim the excess. The baseboard should cover any imperfections.

Although it is possible to put the carpet directly on the tile, it will make a much nicer job if you choose the proper backing. Carpet padding, which is also known as carpet underlay provides a number of benefits when installing carpeting over tile.


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