Also I don't mind the system in Infinite because you can quick select which vigors you want to use rather than having to run to the Gene Bank and having to shuffle them around a bit not that you had to do that much.
Not to mention that the current system doesn't randomly shuffle your F-Keys when you get a new Vigor. Post Note- I would like to point out that Cornelius Slate shows signs of possible side effects from his over use of Shock Jockey the right hand side of his skull has shock crystals forming in it , so perhaps Vigors are just as poisonous as Splicing, but since Vigors are relatively rare for people to use and the current population of Vigor Users haven't been using them enough, there isn't a large enough change in them vs.
Splicers from Rapture I have noticed that "Crows" have some disfigurement as well. Yeah, I feel like Firemen and Crows were experiments - like, somebody said "Okay, we have these vigors, now let's create soldiers based on devil's kiss and murder of crows". And if the experiments did well then we might see more vigor soldiers in the future. Rapture had plasmids centered in their society far more than vigors were featured in Columbia.
There, vigors were cool and experimental, and Fink was still figuring them out. In Rapture, plasmids became a centerpiece of the society. It was only natural they'd be used by the people when the Civil War started As an aside - by the end of B1 Jack really should just be an extremely powerful splicer with all the plasmids he took, right?
But maybe I'm missing something. Commissar Red Ver perfil Ver mensajes. CMK Ver perfil Ver mensajes. TheLastLion Ver perfil Ver mensajes. Publicado originalmente por -Eaten- :. I miss my bees. I dont know but i thought thats why he doens't has the side effects. Tuffcooke View Profile View Posts. Booker uses Vigors, not Plasmids. Vigors have little to no negative effects on the user. Ivlichnov View Profile View Posts.
Perhaps Jack was engineered to be resistant to the negative effects of Plasmid use. And he was only exposed to them for a relatively short period of time. Originally posted by Tuffcooke :. Originally posted by Bellomy :. Jack used plasmids for only a day or so although heavily and Vigors might not have had the same addicting side effect.
As shown in Infinite, Slate drank whole cratefuls of Shock Jockey, which I guess caused his whole body to go haywire bit like Booker's left hand. In BaS most people seem sane enough, even though Plasmids had been around for a time, so I suppose it was only those who really binged on the stuff that became splicers.
Edit: Jack does get the hallucinatory side effect with the ghosts, though. Last edited by aMotorizedCarrot ; 26 Jan, am. Originally posted by CordedUberator :.
Per page: 15 30 Its only a theory. User Info: electro Play through the game and all will be revealed. I once killed a bunny in Skyrim. It was an emotional moment. User Info: IqarP As much food as Booker eats and drinks he should never run out of salts ever. Would think eating all that chocolate would put him into some kind of sugar-rush hyper mode to move faster and cast more vigors for less salts.
Especially the coffee. If ppl call me a douche bag I reply "Well at least I'm scoring! User Info: Sellanor. It could be me, but when I drank coffee and soda in the parts where you couldn't use salts yet, I could faintly hear my heart pound. Will it run on intel hd ?
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