Why is shu blind guilty crown

He's really with her there in the other world and she's very much alive. The alternative was Shu saves himself but the void plague kills Inori. If either of them were selfish one would've lost the other. It's such a heartbreakingly warm story and hits you in the feels to know they transcended any level of love if they both lived physically.

Their love truly rules all and would last forever. I guess Inori gives her soul to Shu before she died as the red strings in the anime represent a person's soul.

Also, it's not correct that Shu and Inori will never be able to meet again. They can still meet at that place called as 'spirit lobby', the place where Shu talks to Jun. In the beginning of the series we know that Inori offers the same threads to shu, the meaning of it not fully understood yet by that time.

Now we know that this thread symbolizes her Fate, and her asking Shu to 'take it' is her invitation to Shu into her Fate. However, Inori did not wanted Shu to die, so before the 'end of all' she lets go of Shu and moves 'away'. She chooses to die alone and let Shu live, leaving the whole world 'without all Voids, all Apocalypse, and without Inori' knowing she cannot be saved anyways There is no way to save her but by Shu taking all the Apocalypse from her, of course that would result in Shu dying and she didn't want that.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Can someone explain to me the ending of Guilty Crown? Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 3 months ago.

Active 11 months ago. Viewed 76k times. I am not sure.. Improve this question. Marialena Marialena 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges. This is extremely late but I think giving this response is still needed as the other answer gave the implication that Inori is dead, which there is speculation that she is not. In the end Inori gave Shu her soul, Shu and Inori became one. Inori wanted Shu to live on which is why she gave her soul to him even though they can never meet again.

He also breaks from his former demeanour, manifesting his Void and shedding his closed emotional attitude. Shu was also planning on sacrificing himself to cure the Apocalypse Virus with a peace of mind, only for Inori to sacrifice herself instead, resulting in him being alive but blind.

So much so that she tried to have Triton kill himself in order for her to be with Shu. Because of Shu, she could learn how a human is and get a chance to fall in love with someone like ordinary people. Then Inori lost the memory about Shu. Is the Guilty Crown anime worth watching? I saw it last month. The ending leaves too much space for creativity. I did not find that a too good of an idea, as different people then get different interpretations. And getting a good interpretation out of this anime requires extra attention - what people don't usually give.

I think that this is one of the reasons the community is divided so sharply. Either way, I'm glad I came to this interpretation so I don't have to feel sad for the ending anymore. Plus, it makes playing Prototype much more enjoyable! Added images and some customization to make it all somewhat more eye appealing and tolerable to read.

Woa, really impressed with how you improved your own article. It's now way easier to read and looks inviting. Very nice formatting skills. Xspy70 said: Alright!

Guilty Crown is a rip off of Code Geass if I remember correctly it was the same writer? As a result, it has great ideas I loved it anyway, plus Xspy70 said: Indeed! Kenchiin said: Guilty Crown is a rip off of Code Geass if I remember correctly it was the same writer?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the ending. Damn i've been pushing this show off since ep 1 but yesterday I finally watched ep 2 after months now I just ended it today. Damn that ending was nice.. My lord. This analysis you made right here seriously changed my opinion of this anime. I was so bitter after that ending to the point where I wanted to completely forget about guilty crown, but oh man you have saved it.

Everything makes so much sense to me now. One dream that will probably never come true: A full anime adaptation of Kimi no Iru Machi or Suzuka anime reboot. And I was listening to Everlasting Guilty Crown at the end of your post. I guess all's well that ends well.

PS: i don't remember shu destroying mana's void. Brokensoul24 said: your theory is really good, but i have a question. Shit, that was a very well thought out and well written review. I applaud your observational and analytical skills. As for the ending being open-ended and ambiguous, I noticed that Goro Taniguchi did likewise with Code Geass; when it came to the death of a certain character. Not gonna go spoilerino mode because I dunno how to use tags. I think that was the point; you can imagine what happened to them next, because what happened is now irrelevant - what was aimed for, was accomplished.

I'll update when I find out! Edit 2: Figured it out! This was of better ones. Good ones are ultra rare thing. Nice post. I have to say though, it was Hare's death that got to me the most. Felt like a nice touch. After watching 13 episodes I dropped it for a whole year and only watched it because my internet was down and have nothing else to watch I strongly disliked it at that time. I didn't hate it as much after I watched it but it was after reading this post that I started to love it.

Great job mate, thanks. Glad I read this, I enjoyed guilty crown. But the ending felt.. A little underwhelming. Reading this made it worth watching. I really hope your theory is right. If it is, why didn't they have him communicate with Inori's soul at the end.

Would've made a satisfying ending. Interesting read, although your main conclusion is one that's been floating around here and there within this subforum.

However I think what you did particularly well was that you explained and backed up your conclusion, rather than just say that Shu and Inori are hugging in Shu's mind in the last scene, which is what I've seen. Adding the screenshots and bolding the important terms also helped with the reading. I'm glad you mentioned the cat's cradles, since they caught my attention throughout the anime.

Also, I think that with your explanation, other things like how Inori fell in love with Shu makes more sense although it always did to me. I know many people who dislike the series don't see the chemistry between the two main characters, so the explanation of how Shu gave Inori her soul, or show her how to be human, makes their relationship more meaningful.

The ending is still bittersweet imo, that while Inori still survives within Shu, she's also physically dead. The sad part is that she sacrificed herself for Shu. And whether the person dies or not, sacrifices are always sad. Especially given that Shu was ready to die, but Inori saved him.

I think the bittersweet ending is part of what makes me like Guilty Crown a lot though, since I don't think I've seen many anime that end in this direction. Another part I liked that you mentioned was regarding Shu's mentality. Thanks a lot for your post, I was so heartbroken by the ending but what you said really made sense and now I feel it has transformed it from a depressing piece of shit ending to a mind blowing one.

Regardless loved the anime, so much feels to it hahaha! Xspy70 : i watched all the episode of guilty crown yesterday, and still feel the emotional damage even now but, after i read your explanation, i feel relieved. I won't said your long post as theory or interpretatio or something similar to me it's explanation. I knew it. I knew the end didn't fit the anime at all. I really like your theory because it is based on solid arguments and really corresponds to the feeling the anime was giving during 22 episodes.

I don't have much to say against any of your argument. Very good researches and interpretations. I created an account on MAL just to post this answer and to thank you. You got me out of my "wtf-with-the-ending-blues". I wish I had known all this while watching the show.

None of it made any sense. I still don't understand how Jun fit into the show at all. Was he a real person or a god, or something else? Who created that crystal virus? But at least I know how it ends, this makes more sense now that it's explained better.

The show felt a bit rushed with so many random events happening without any background. Nice theory I hope this ending theory is true. Well, this makes me feel somewhat better about the ending. Thanks for the super long and detailed interpretation!

The idea of Irori's Mana's void destroyed can explain why Mana died immediately after Gai's death eventhough Mana didn't die when Gai died the first time.

Arsleust said: I knew it. DarkByke said: Ohhhhh. Man you are a fucking genius! This is my favourite anime,and i was really sad when i ended it.. Esper Thank you! Now its proper! Xspy70 I have edit the post. Something wrong with the code arrangement. Esper said: Xspy70 I have edit the post. It truly save me from being troubled by the ending. I guess I'm one those in MAL that wants to be spoonfed by explanation.

The ending made me cry but after reading this it made me somehow satisfied. Carbon is a chemical Element with symbol C and atomic number 6.

It is nonmetallic and tetravalent—making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds. Symbol: C Atomic mass: So, I just rewatched this anime and For Mana's death part.

F ast forward towards the end. After the battle with Gai, Shu destroys Mana's void. Well guess now I can watch this anime. At first I didn't want to watch because I dont want the same trauma I had with Naruto. Yes I fking hate the Naruto ending and watching your favorite anime since 7 and supporting a pairing which you didn't get because of stupid reasons is bad!

I went to watch the ending of Guilty Crown because I thought the couple was nice and I want a good ending but when I watched it on youtube I regretted it because it looked sad. After your wonderful explanation I will watch it because thanks to you I have looked at the ending from a different angle, because I mean whats not better than having the love of your life soul in the same body as you?!

Its fking amazing. Good job. If I remember correctly in the first opening of guilty crown isn't their a part that says some thing like "Even if they place a crown of thorns apron your head I'll stay by your side" won't this somewhat connects to him being the king and Inory soul being inside of him.

Also, this is my thought here it would be interesting to see how season 2 will develop. And I am looking forward for a season 2.

Also your theory on the ending of the anime was good I enjoyed reading it. Also I wanted to add that if you listen to the the anime opening "My dearest" the full version some of the lyrics connects to what he says if you read his theory which I couldn't tell if it was quensidence or not. But I would consider listening it in english. Xspy70 There is one small yet impactful detail you missed. Why does Inori offer the cat's cradle at the beginning of the series. There is no logical answer with the theory in mind.

Esper said: Snip. Yhuori said: Xspy70 There is one small yet impactful detail you missed. For instance, the shape that Inory and Mana present to Shu in the beginning of the anime using strings is called Jacob's Ladder. It represents the staircase to heaven according to the book of Genesis. By asking Shu to take it, they imply that he should accept the guilty crown and be the king of the new world.

Ascension to Godhood perhaps, but that's just my interpretation. Alright I updated the main post. Some corrections and elaborations. Should be better now. Rick-huang said: If I remember correctly in the first opening of guilty crown isn't their a part that says some thing like "Even if they place a crown of thorns apron your head I'll stay by your side" won't this somewhat connects to him being the king and Inory soul being inside of him.

Xspy70 said: Yhuori said: Xspy70 There is one small yet impactful detail you missed. Xspy70 Offline Joined: Jul Posts: Let us first begin by defining who or what Inory was. Inory was an artificially made human body that was supposed to serve as a vessel to transfer Mana's consciousness into.

You can also label that as soul. So basically, Inory was just a husk waiting for the soul to be put into it. Before that could happen however, she was rescued by Gai and exposed to "the outer world".

Presumingly being completely made in the lab, Inory never had a childhood nor any social experience. Thus, she lacked emotion and personality, which continued making her a soulless husk metaphorically.

So she ran with the Funeral Parlor, carrying out her tasks like a machine she was. However, after meeting Shu Ouma, she was exposed to more or less normal social experiences. She started developing a personality, and started displaying emotion. She was no longer an artificially made machine - she was now a unique human being. She fell in love with Shu because he was "heartbreakingly human", who has "shown her the bad and the good of this world.


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