When was boredom invented

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Google Answers re The review's by Peter Kemp, in the Sunday Tim Do all things go in a circle? This is persuasive, though I suspect that some subjective sense of monotony is a more fundamental affect—like joy or fear or anger. In recent years, something like boredom has been studied and documented in understimulated animals, which would seem to argue against its being an entirely social construction.

Historically, the diagnosis of boredom has contained an element of social critique—often of life under capitalism. But, while social critics can endow boredom with a certain potent charge, many people downplay or deny their own ordinary experience of it.

Boredom is a distinctly uncharismatic state of being. If you are bored, you might well be a bore. To be bored more than occasionally seems a small, peevish grievance in the scheme of things, a sort of weak-minded disengagement from a world that demands urgent action to try to set it right while offering endlessly streaming entertainment to distract us. The interpretation of boredom is one thing; its measurement is quite another.

In the nineteen-eighties, Norman Sundberg and Richard Farmer, two psychology researchers at the University of Oregon, developed a Boredom Proneness Scale, to assess how easily a person gets bored in general. Seven years ago, John Eastwood helped come up with a scale for measuring how bored a person was in the moment.

In recent years, boredom researchers have done field surveys in which, for example, they ask people to keep diaries as they go about daily life, recording instances of naturally occurring lethargy. Creating dull content is a mission they approach with some ingenuity, and the results evoke a kind of rueful, Beckettian comedy. It depicts two men desultorily hanging laundry on a metal rack in a small, bare room while mumbling banalities.

Then the researchers might check how much the stupefied participants want to snack on unhealthy foods a fair amount, in one such study. Contemporary boredom researchers, for all their scales and graphs, do engage some of the same existential questions that had occupied philosophers and social critics. Erin Westgate, a social psychologist at the University of Florida, told me that her work suggests that both factors—a dearth of meaning and a breakdown in attention—play independent and roughly equal roles in boring us.

When contemporary boredom researchers, in the discipline of psychology, write books for a popular audience, they often adopt a brisk, jaunty, informative tone, with a generous dollop of self-help—something quite different, in other words, from the sober phenomenology and anticapitalist critiques that philosophers tended to offer when they considered the nature of boredom.

Still, if you are looking for some practical ways to recast experiences that are often more tedious than they need to be, there are thoughtful, specific ideas to be found in boredom-studies research. In a survey of American college students, more than ninety per cent said that they used their smartphones or other devices during class, and fifty-five per cent said it was because they were bored.

A paper found that, for most Americans, the activity associated with the highest rates of boredom was studying. The least: sports or exercise. Research conducted by Sandi Mann and Andrew Robinson in England concluded that among the most boring educational experiences were computer sessions, while the least were sturdy, old-fashioned group discussions in the context of a lecture.

Every person who ever lived has probably encountered some form of boredom at some point in their life. Boredom is defined as a psychological state in which people have nothing particular to do, or feel that the day is dull and are not interested in their surroundings. Also, some psychologists define boredom as a feeling which is triggered by the inability of a person to solve a particular task. Boredom by Gaston de La Touche,


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