But in these trying times what all of us must remember is to take care of those suffering from Down syndrome and also ensure that they are not left alone. Due to the different pandemic guidelines in different parts of the world, most of the events, workshops, and discussions are taking place online.
On the brighter side, this is also an opportunity for people to connect with each other on a global level. This is beneficial as one can come to know about the different challenges that people with Down syndrome face.
World Down Syndrome Day Date, theme, and significance. Down Syndrome International. Join us on 21 March Advocating for the rights of people with Down syndrome. What is WDSD? What is Down syndrome? Get involved Every year we encourage people with Down syndrome, families, advocates, professionals and organisations to observe WDSD with your own activities. Listen up! The Down Syndrome International DSi team spent time this morning thinking about how we can encourage our[…] Read more.
Hamish from new Zealand Hi, my name is Hamish Gilbert. I decided to leave school[…] Read more. Each year the voice of people with Down syndrome, and those who live and work with them, grows louder. Adequate access to health care, to early intervention programmes, and to inclusive education, as well as appropriate research, are vital to the growth and development of the individual. In order to raise public awareness of Down syndrome, the General Assembly invites all Member States, relevant organizations of the United Nations system and other international organizations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, to observe World Down Syndrome Day in an appropriate manner.
The estimated incidence of Down syndrome is between 1 in 1, to 1 in 1, live births worldwide. Each year, approximately 3, to 5, children are born with this chromosome disorder. The quality of life of people with Down syndrome can be improved by meeting their health care needs, including regular check-ups with health professionals to monitor mental and physical condition and to provide timely intervention be it physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, counselling or special education.
Individuals with Down syndrome can achieve optimal quality of life through parental care and support, medical guidance, and community based support systems such as inclusive education at all levels. This facilitates their participation in mainstream society and the fulfillment of their personal potential.
In around the world, we all had to adapt the ways we connect with each other. It was a big challenge and many people have been left behind. But it was an opportunity to find new ways to connect.