What will yellowstone do

Because this "super eruption" experiment has already been run. But it has to be dangerous! People wouldn't make such a big deal out of it if it wasn't! Yellowstone may not be a human-species ender, but that doesn't mean it's not hazardous! Hazards abound, and the good people at YVO are keeping a close eye on them. Number 2 on this list will definitely surprise you! The Real Hazards of Yellowstone. News articles, websites, and videos often exaggerate the rarest events, while ignoring hazards that may actually happen during a person's life.

So right here, right now, we're going to flip this around and discuss Yellowstone's geologic hazard scenarios in order from most to least likely. Okay, but, surely, Yellowstone's at the top of the list when it comes to the most dangerous volcanoes in the United States, right?

The overall threat score is determined by multiplying the sum of the hazard factors by the sum of the exposure factors. The top three volcanoes, in order, are Kilauea Hawaii , Mount St.

Helens Washington , and Mount Rainier Washington. A general categorization was also introduced — "very high threat," "high threat," "moderate threat," "low threat," and "very low threat. Now for the big reveal…in …Yellowstone was ranked… 21! This qualifies Yellowstone as a "high threat" volcanic system.

This is not a change or any sort of upgrade in the threat posed by Yellowstone, and carries no implications for future eruptive activity. It is merely a way to provide a sense of Yellowstone's threat level compared to other volcanoes in the USA.

Relative to the other US calderas, Yellowstone lies in the middle. Long Valley caldera is 18 "very high threat" and Valles caldera is 68 "moderate threat". A personal commentary: Why I dislike the term "supervolcano" and what we should be saying instead. I have a confession to make. I really don't like the term "supervolcano. I'd also like to propose that we use a different term.

I know. Reality doesn't always live up to the hype - especially when some individuals and publications like to Check out some of the nonsense YVO has to put up with! Playing telephone with Miss Information. Can a nuclear blast trigger a Yellowstone eruption? But how about an earthquake? Also no. Will the southern California earthquakes cause Yellowstone to erupt? Spoiler alert: no. Basically: rumors of Yellowstone's impending catastrophic mega-eruption have been exponentially exaggerated.

Don't fall for the hype. Plan your visit to the national park without a single fear that the entire place will suddenly erupt in a volcanic cataclysm worthy of the most overblown tabloid imagining.

Live in the area without worrying about being enveloped in an unexpected pyroclastic flow. The staff at Yellowstone Volcano Observatory are paying strict attention, and will be able to give you plenty of advance notice when the magma chamber fills to super eruption capacity. The views expressed are those of the author s and are not necessarily those of Scientific American. It'd be a huge disaster. A super-eruption would be horrific — though also pretty unlikely. But that doesn't mean we should all start freaking out.

The odds of that happening are thankfully pretty low. The Yellowstone supervolcano — thousands of times more powerful than a regular volcano — has only had three truly enormous eruptions in history.

One occurred 2. And despite what you sometimes hear in the press, there's no indication that we're due for another "super-eruption" anytime soon. In fact, it's even possible that Yellowstone might never have an eruption that large again. Even so, the Yellowstone supervolcano remains an endless source of apocalyptic fascination — and it's not hard to see why. In September , a team of scientists published a paper in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems exploring what a Yellowstone super-eruption might actually look like.

Among other things, they found the volcano was capable of burying states like Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Colorado in three feet of harmful volcanic ash — a mix of splintered rock and glass — and blanket the Midwest.

That much ash could kill plants and animals, crush roofs, and short all sorts of electrical equipment:.

An example of the possible distribution of ash from a month-long Yellowstone supereruption. US Geological Survey. When I called up one of the study's co-authors, Jacob Lowenstern of the US Geological Survey, he stressed that the paper was not any sort of prediction of the future.

So I talked to him further about what we actually know about the Yellowstone supervolcano, what its eruptions might look like, and why the odds of disaster are low. Lurking beneath Yellowstone National Park is a reservoir of hot magma five miles deep, fed by a gigantic plume of molten rock welling up from hundreds of miles below. That heat is responsible for many of the park's famous geysers and hot springs.

And as magma rises up into the chamber and cools, the ground above periodically rises and falls. The vast, vast majority of Yellowstone eruptions are small. On rare occasions throughout history, that magma chamber has erupted.

The vast, vast majority of those eruptions in Yellowstone have been smaller lava flows — with the last occurring at Pitchstone Plateau some 70, years ago. But the reason why Yellowstone gets so much attention is the remote possibility of catastrophic "super-eruptions. That's enough to bury Texas five feet deep. These super-eruptions are thousands of times more powerful than even the biggest eruptions we're used to. Helens eruption of The difference is staggering:. Yellowstone has had three of these really massive eruptions in its history — 2.

The last of those , at Yellowstone Lava Creek, ejected so much material from below that it left a mile-bymile depression in the ground — what we see today as the Yellowstone Caldera:. National Park Service. It's worth noting that Yellowstone is hardly the only supervolcano out there — geologists have found evidence of at least 47 super-eruptions in Earth's history. The most recent occurred in New Zealand's Lake Taupo some 26, years ago. More dramatically, there was the gargantuan Toba eruption 74, years ago, caused by shifting tectonic plates.

That triggered a dramatic 6- to year global winter and according to some may have nearly wiped out the nascent human race. On average, the Earth has seen roughly one super-eruption every , years, although that's not an ironclad law.

Let's reiterate that the odds of any sort of Yellowstone eruption, big or small, are very low. But if we're speaking hypothetically…. This would likely be precipitated by a swarm of earthquakes in a specific region of the park as the magma made its way to the surface. A super-eruption is capable of sending ash many thousands of miles. Costner, who plays John Dutton and executive produces the show, remains the backbone of the series.

In the past, he's said that filming a scripted how "hasn't been an easy adjustment" for him , but he's committed because he believes Yellowstone has "gold dust on it. Smith, and Denim Richards will return for the entire fourth season, too.

Deadline also announced a few exciting additions to the season 4 cast:. Meanwhile, the outlet reports that Will Patton will now be a series regular. If you're late to the game, you can re-watch past seasons to get to know the Duttons before season 4 starts. Even though and , two of the new Yellowstone spinoff shows, will be available to stream on Paramount Plus later this year, you'll have to sign up for Peacock to keep up with the Duttons. Yellowstone isn't available on Hulu, Netflix or Paramount Plus confusing, we know , but you can stream it exclusively on Peacock.

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